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Delta 100 and HC-110

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I recently processed a couple of rolls of Delta 100 in HC-110, dil.

B. After washing I noticed the film has a slight purple tint. I

tried re-fixing a piece but it didn't really change. Is this normal

for Delta 100 or for Delta 100 in HC-110?


Thank you for any advice you can give me.

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Thanks for the link Chris. It helps but maybe I should ask my question another way -


Should I expect Delta 100 to be completely clear after fixing? I was under the impression that some films had residual tints and I was wondering if this might be one of them. In which case I'm probably OK but if not then I need to fix even more than the 15 minutes I've already done.

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Jim... <sigh>...


I've given up on even bothering to categorize these question any more, with few exceptions (such as C-41 process monochrome). Nobody checks the archives.


Even if they did Google isn't really a good search engine for photo.net's purposes - it calls up too many unrelated hits, misses related threads and can't be confined to searching within a specific forum.


Sorry, Jeff, not criticizing you. It's just a frustrating situation all around for folks who can't find the info they want and the folks who've answered these questions dozens of times before.

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Maybe we should set up a 'Purple Haze' forum and pull in a few Hendrix fans at the same time.


Seriously though folks, the answer is double fixing and thorough washing. The 'new technology' emulsions take more fixing and any residual purple indicates remanent silver halide. Mix up two bottles of fixer at film-fixing strength. Fix as per normal in Fixer 1 (keep a note of the number of films fixed). Then rinse and fix again in Fixer 2. When Fixer 1 has fixed its recommended number of films then discard it and transfer Fixer 2 to the Fixer 1 bottle and mix up a new bottle of Fixer 2.


Wash using the Ilford Method which minimises water usage and gives a very efficient wash. I live in a hard-water area and this is beneficial for washing. If your water is neutral to slightly acid it may help to give the first wash in water containing about 1/2 teaspoon of soda to 1 litre of water.

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I beg to differ regarding the double fixing. dye is dye, and fixer was never intended to

remove dye. Besides, there is no benefit in over-fixing. With TMX, I have noticed that

stand-washing removes the dye very effectvely. That means pour water in, 5 inversions, 5

minutes standing, pour out. Pour water in, 10 inversions, 5 minutes standing, pour out

(VERY pink). Pour water in, 20 inversions, 5 minutes standing, pour out. No dyes left on

the film.

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