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N 70 question


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You can pop the camera back open just before the leader goes in. With practice this is quite easy. I used to do it with an N70 and with my Stylus Epics. With the N70, I think you have to switch the camera off and on again to reload a new roll, as the camera doesn't think the first roll has been completely rewound ( which it hasn't) and won't operate normally until reset by switching off and on. Hope this helps.

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I don't think popping the camera back open during rewind is good for your camera. And if your timing is off, you may either damage the first couple of frames on the roll if you open too soon or the film leader could have gone in if you are late.


Get a film lead retriever and practice on it would be a much easier solution. There are other solutions too and they have been discussed over and over. Check the archives.

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Here is a reference to the technique I discussed above from "The Basic Book of Photography" by Tom and Michele Grimm, 4th. ed., 1997, p. 28:


"Regarding autorewind cameras, some models leave the tip of the film leader showing after the film is rewound: check to see if that is the case with your camera. If not, you must stop the auto rewind action before the film and its leader are rewound entirely into the cassette. If your camera instruction manual offers no advice on how to do this, try these suggestions. After starting autorewind, watch the film frame counter and when it returns to "0", immediately turn off the power to stop the rewind motor. Experiment to see if this can be done by using the camera's on/off switch, opening the camera back, or breaking the battery circuit by opening the battery chamber; try these options with an unwanted roll of film."



You can feel the leader's release just like with manual rewind, but you have to be quick. With practice, you'll know just where in the countdown to do it. I just can't remember if the N70 shows the frame counting down.


Just FWIW.

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While it is possible to reprogram a lot of AF film bodies to leave the film leader out after rewind, the problem is that all fully exposed rolls will have their leaders out also. You need to develop a very good discipline to either complete the rewind manually every time or mark the exposed rolls. Otherwise, it is a matter of time that you'll get mixed up and started "reusing" fully exposed rolls and get some totally unintentional "double exposures." Essentially, you ruin two rolls worth of images.


And regardless of how many camera bodies you may have, there will always be the need to remove a partically exposed roll from a body. If you pop open the back during rewind, you will be arruptly interrupting the rewind process; that is simply abusing your camera. Of course it is your camera and it is toally up to you, but that is not a practice I would recommend.

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