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okay, what to do with my new 4x5 negatives


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when i was in my 20's i was engaged to a lady who said "no way a house of mine will have a darkroom" after I expressed what i wanted in a future house, I summarily dumped her shortly thereafter (well, after a bunch more sex)


i now have a wife who is supportive of my photography and other hobbies. that's the only way i will have it. Perhaps you've shown your'e not responsible with money. I am, and therefore my wife and I trust each other with finances.


sounds like you need to talk to Dr Phil, or for quicker results Tom Leykus, or perhaps what Bill said if you arent in a community property state/country. It's guys like you that I love to take to the pistol range or work in my darkroom. I've had guys actually apologize to their wife for having fun with me.............geeze, get over it ladies.


On the serious side, I recommend the epson 3200, or any of the beseler 4x5 tank enlargers, i have the mxt. heck, my darkroom space is "multi-use", like many peoples' are

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thanks friends for the support :-) as it turns out my wife will allow me an

enlarger!!! provided i schlepp it out of the bathroom myself afterwards. so now

i have to ask again: i always wanted one of those us-enlargers that were

pictured in the old time-life photography books - the ones with the tilted

columns. i think they were beselers. can anyone point me to a good



and before anyone accuses me of being a wimp: i already managed to get a

pair of voice-of-the-theater-speakers in then living room (for your hifi-buffs out


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Harry, if you are thinking of a US-made enlarger with a single tilted column, you are probably thinking of the Omega D. The Beseler has more of a frame, the main part of which is a tiltled, inverted U. If you browse the auctions on ebay you will find photos of the various types of 4x5 enlargers. Then you might want to browse or search the archives of this forum and of the B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing Forum (http://www.photo.net/bboard/forum?topic_id=1542) for comments on the various enlargers.
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