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email notification enhancement

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Very glad you asked this... I've been wondering the same thing. This is an incredibly good website, with many helpful people. But back in my Compuserve/Photo Forum days (dating myself here!) I had a DOS program that would let me track a thread I had tagged. So whenever I logged on, the program would let me know if there were new additions... even though I had not initiated the thread.


I've lurked on other sites, perhaps using different software, and some sort of "flag" appears on a topic to let you know there are new comments.


I think we're talking about the same thing here, let me know if I'm on the same page you are...


Thanks again,



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Well, no. :o) But say I start a thread. If I get ten responses, I don't really need to receive ten notifications; just one for the first one, and no more until I've visited the thread again.


The way it is now is ideal for unarchived forums, where you might not make it back in time to read the responses. But for archived forums, I'd like the option to minimize notifications.

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Hello Kevin,


(This may be a two-person thread <G>)


Well, I'm not thinking of e-mail notifications every time someone adds a comment. My inbox overfloweth as it is. More what I'm talking about is that say I log onto photo.net, I look down the list of thread topics, and some are "flagged" to let me know if there are new comments since my last login. Then it's my choice as to whether or not I want to jump in.


The way it is now, I look at the thread topics for say the last few days, and I don't know if anything has been added or not.


I do gather it's an issue of software, and it might be very difficult at this stage of the game for photo.net to switch software.


Help, friendly sysops... what say you folks?





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