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Who wants to volunteer to help photo.net grow?


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My money-making job is Solaris admin & ORA-DBA with specialization on tuning - I so I can take care in this area.<br>

Only I hope my internet connection is not blocked for SSH, I've to check out or discuss in my company to allow it, because I use my company RAS for internet connection.

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#3 would be right up my alley.. Taste? I think so. Judgement? Yes Diplomacy is another quality sorely needed. Web Forms? hmmm I could learn. Hours.. 5-6 Hours. I work at home so there would be no conflict at a job. I'm 48 years old and have already served Photo.net by alerting you guys to problems from time to time. I'm a professional photographer and have been for 12 years. I've had cause to e-mail members over issues on POW before and even when I was called an idiot in public I responded with diplomacy. I'm used to dealing with people. I've always been in positions of power overseeing large staffs. I understand how to help people understand the issues without being heavy handed. Power does not go to my head as it can with some. I believe a moderator with the ability to ban and delete comments has to understand that it is principles before personalities. Furthermore - the admonishments have to be done privately and with diplomacy. Ego has no place in moderation... Pardon the pun.
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My previous post didn't answer some of the questions. I had to leave for work and wrote a quick and incomplete response. Sorry about that.

(i) 1,2,3 & 4. I am not qualified to help in the other areas.

(ii) Active moderation (5 hours) or On photo.net (15 hours)

(iii) I've been hanging around since 1997. I'm a knowledgeable, but not great, photographer. I understand and support the site's goals, the gray line between pointed, constructive debate and unhelpful flaming. With a few exceptions, I've tried to calm things down when they got personal and have avoided wasting bandwidth by contributing to useless threads and debates. I usually communicate in a clear non-combative manner the error in someone's ways and suggest improvements. I'm a Ph.D. chemist who leads R&D programs in an industrial environment. I strive to be respectful and candid.

(iv) No. Right now, I look at it as a charity where you are the major benefactor.

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I am already volunteering around 7 hours per week on some administrative tasks; I just volunteered for some "6" tasks, and I could probably do everything on your list except for "9", if called upon. I wouldn't mind helping to moderate the POW and photo critique threads and to help police the rating system.
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I could help with #2-4, for about 5 hours a week to begin with. I don't have enough technical skills to help with the programming, although I could report on the bugs. As far as moderation is concerned, I think I am generally cool headed, which sounds as a good start.


I'd be very pleased if Photo.net became a non-profit organization. When I first came here, I actually tought it was non-profit. It's the way to go for an educational venture like this one, as well as a safeguard that it won't become overwhelmingly commercial in the future. Go ahead!

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I have experience in web site design, implementation and maintenance

as well as programming on UNIX systems.


Having been a "computer helper" in my small community for years, the work I'd like to do most is #2, "user handholding" in web, computer and digital photograhy part (not camera part).


I would also like to do some works on #5. English is not my native language. But I am very organized on computer file systems and very carefull about programing language style in both efficiency and

aesthetics. (You can see my style from my front page on photo.net

<a href=http://www.photo.net/users/SLIU/>




I think 501c3 would be good for photo.net.


I can spend average 1-2 hours (not fixed) on these every day.


P.S. I am also very skilled at perl.

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I could help with several of these categories but the jobs I'd like to perform, the ones that interest me most, are not in your list:


A. Review static content for duplicate information and either select, or qualitatively nominate to other moderators, content for removal. Call it weeding. The benefits for the site are obvious. The benefit for me is my volunteer time can be less structured -- I can do 1 hour this week, 5 next.


B. Write articles for submission to the archives. I know this can be done at any time, but if you are making a call to arms you might as well make a call to content!


C. Nominate or promote new content to archived status based on review. To clarify: I see a post that looks interesting within my scope of knowledge. I actively search Photo.net for similar information. I find none. I nominate the thread to archived status at least and moderate it at most. I guess I may be asking for moderator status or at least a direct communication link to moderators for my topic specialty. I would only want to do this for posts well within my scope of knowledge which I feel is unique.


Sadly, many of my posts get lost to the unarchived forum. I believe this to be due to the hardware nature of the questions asked. The ones that have been retained I have pointed MANY people towards as a definitive reference. Frankly, I am an expert in my field. If the info does not already exist in Photo.net's archives and I provide it or moderate it, it is likely worth keeping!


My specialty is hardware and interconnectivity. How do dissimilar things work together? How do you get special effects shots?


You can review my archived posts to understand my specialty better. If I post on a connectivity or special effects issues it is usually complete and definitive.


I work for LPA Design, manufacturer of PocketWizards and FlashWizards. I am the tech support manager as well as the MIS guy. I perform 1, 2, and 4 on your list all day long. I also monitor the PocketWizard.com user forum (as small as it is). I have been with LPA for 8 years and a contributor to Photo.net for over 2. I have been an amateur photographer for 20 years.


If you have concern that my direct association with a product manufacturer will make me biased then you may banish that concern. My early posts here were indeed terribly markety stuff that embarrass me now. I have certainly matured in my content and I simply love to teach what I know (important for a learning forum, eh?). I'll let my later posts speak for themselves.


Take me for what I'm worth! I hope this is helpful.

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I'd be very happy to give something back to the Photo.net community. I can probably swing around 8-10 hours per week volunteer time. I am a professional account manager for a worldwide educational company, so I'm VERY comfortable with #1-3. I also have some experience in web design and database management so I could probably handle #4 + 5 also. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help out.
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Super! I would be happy to help with 1 - 4 on your list and I would be able to volunteer at least 10 hours a week<i>(that's at least what I do now, ask my wife)</i>More depending on my weekly workload.

<p> Unfortunatly I am only a wee photographer and I am not experienced with oracle, however, never say never with me, it seems like I was born with a computer coming out of my head...<p>


I currently spend a great deal of time in the forums, particulary general. And I know this site like the back of my hand. Been a member since 1-09-01. Hope I can help

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I appreciate what this site has given me and I would love to give something back.


Categories 1 -4 would be the areas that I could provide some help with. Looking at up to 5 hours per week.


I live in Australia so phoning is out but perhaps the alternative hours may be usefull.

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I can help on 3 and 4. I'm pretty tech savvy, but not too sure how techy I would need to be. (I build all of my own computers and run a number of ftp servers, but have no experience programming, using oracle, or playing w/ non-OS-X Unix based systems). I can work 5-10 hours and much more during the summers. I'm an undergraduate student in philosophy who will graduate in a total of 2.5 years (after this semester I'll be done w/ 1 year) and then go on to law school. About "job" number 3, I aced ethics this semester :)

Anything that I can do I will, I want to keep photo.net alive and well.


Jeremy Moore

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I would be happy to help out in any way possible. I think that it would be best if I stayed in areas 1 through 5 above. I have 20 years in data processing (both support and development) but it has almost all been in the mainframe arena, which will not help much in 6 through 9. If there is some way that you think I can help that far down on the list, let me know.


As for hours, I would have to limit that to 4-6 hours a week. I am sure that I would go over that pretty regularly, but that is all I could promise.


BTW: I am now heading over to make my $25 dollar donation. Keep up the good work.

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(Nothing like 30 minutes of brush-clearing for cleaning up the mind.)


Professor of mathematics, age 56, experience with Unix, computer liaison

chairperson in my department, sound knowledge of technical fundamentals of

photography, apparently have a reputation for being level-headed (much to

my surprise), substantial experience in writing of articles and computer



If converting to a non-profit corporation means devolution of power, I'm

all for it. With all due respect to Philip (this wonderful site was born

from his vision), power in the hands of too few results in a feedback control

mechanism prone to hunting (in the technical sense.) I'd like to see some

form of subscription policy implemented, and would be happy to see

officers being elected, despite the ensuing bureaucracy. I nominate Brian

for office (sorry, Brian.)


When and if things calm down, I'd be happy to help.

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Phil, as a telecommunications specialist, I'm familiar with computers, operating systems and website design and some hosting. Lifetime photographer, moving to support myself and wife fulltime with photography and art. I want to help 8-10 hours a week with 4-6. Very little UNIX but willing to learn.

I own the names <a href="http://www.cameraview.net"> Cameraview.net </a> and <a href="http://www.yosemiteview.net"> YosemiteView.net </a> (Yosemiteview is inactive right now) have been in the process of moving toward an interactive maps of the places I travel to and photograph.

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I would love to help with 1, 2, 4 and 5, for 5 hours/week. I am a

web/anything vaugely computer designer/developer, and know

unix all to well.


Although photo.net being a 501c3 non-profit corporation won't

change me mind either way, aside from the initial cost, I thiknk

it'd be a great way to insure the future of the site.

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<p>I would be willing to help in any of the above areas with the following caveats:</p>


<li>My Oracle-specific (Admin, PL/SQL, etc.) skills are weak.</li>

<li>My TCL background is shaky (and I'm not too interested in shoring it up :-)</li>


<p>Taking into account the responses already posted, I believe I would be most useful contributing to

efforts in category 4 (Bug Tracking/Reporting) and category 5 (Managing Editorial). I could

donate approximately 4 hours per week in small pieces during my regular workday.</p>

<p>Background - I have been a dedicated Photo.net lurker since 1998. Professionally, I write

driver and middleware code for telecom/datacom embedded computing applications and am familiar with

large-scale software development using Rational ClearCase (version control) and ClearQuest

(bug management) and I could pick up CVS with little difficulty.

On the side, I've been tinkering with XML-RPC and SOAP and grappling with the philosophical

ramifications behind the words 'web services'. Additionally, I have strong Perl skills and enjoy

applying those skill to the creation of support tools. Finally, I am an organized writer and

communicator and have a personal interest in expanding the static portions of Photo.Net.

While I do not write creatively, have received compliments on the quality and clarity of my

writing from my peers in the past.</p>

<p>I would like to help grow Photo.Net because Photo.Net has helped me grow as an amateur

photographer. Since my own start-up company was carved up and destroyed by investors and VCs,

I now have the free time available to help ensure one of the many good things associated with

Ars Digita continues to florish.</p>

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