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Pentax 67 versus Pentacon six


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Forget about the Pentacon 6. I had one and it was junk. The film advance is very delicate and will eventually break. Get the Pentax. You can run over it with a car and all you will have to do is replace the tire.



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I've owned or used the Kiev, Pentacon and the Pentax 67. The Pentax is far and away the best option (better optical quality and reliability, just to name two criteria). With used prices as they are, there's no reason NOT to choose the Pentax.


The Pentacon lenses are designed to cover 6x6, and might have trouble filling a 6x7 frame.

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I had the first model Pentax 67, and hated it. Even on a tripod, certain shutter speeds are useless because of the terrible vibration of that huge mirror and shutter. It is hard to use without a tripod, and murder to carry around. Get something lighter that's not trying to be a 35mm camera and MF at the same time (and failing at both).
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I have used the P67 extensively, and find it to be excellent. It is necessary to apply some skill to get the best out of the equipment (there are a few shutter speeds that are prone to vibration if used without care), but overall it is a superb system.
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I've never owned a Pentax 67, but from what I've read, it's probably better than the Pentacon. HOWEVER, I do own a Pentacon Six TL and an Arax 60 (re-worked Kiev 60. The Pentacon, whiole capable of taking excellent photographs has numerous problems in addition to the fragile film advance. The most troublesome for me is the tendency of the back latch to catch and open when I take the camera out of the bag. Then there's the tendency of the strap to release the shutter if you move it the wrong way and the relative ease of mis-loading the film. The Arax, OTOH (and probably any good, re-worked Kiev 60) has proved to be an excellent, smooth operating. reliable camera which I wouldn't hesitate to recommend. The BIG advantage of any P-6 mount camera over the Pentax or any MF SLR is the availability of excellent lenses at extremely low prices. I have six, three Zeiss Jena (50mm, 80 mm and 180 mm) and three Ukrainian (30 mm fisheye, 65 mm shift, and 120 mm) all of which are IMO very VERY good, at a total cost of well under $1000. I just received a 500 mm Russian mirror lens yesterday, for all of $150 new, which I have yet to try. What other camera could let you use such a wide range of lenses at such a reasonable cost?


In addition, I really prefer the 6 X 6 format--no need to turn the camera for verticals, although, if you crop like I usually do, instead of printing square the effective negative size is 6 X 4.5


Bob Marvin

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I used both cameras, and as most people say, take the Pentax. Very reliable, strong and with great lenses.


With the Pentacon it is allways praying the film comes out normal, the space between the negatives differs all the time, and sometimes I lost pictures I was sure i made them. On the other hand, there is some fine glass available for the Pentacon.

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"With the Pentacon it is allways praying the film comes out normal.... On the other hand, there is some fine glass available for the Pentacon".


Exactly why I'd recommend a Kiev 60 (or Arax 60)--to use that fine (AND cheap) glass on a more reliable body. AND, in the new all black versions, as opposed to poor quality chrome, the cameras even LOOK good.

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