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Quietest Nikon SLR (Film)

bill a.

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I agree with Jeff about the character of the F3's shutter sound, and (assuming no MD) it is

darned quiet winding, focusing and even rewinding (sometimes the roll ends). And if

you're shooting pre-composed, you can even lock up the

mirror. Disregard the recommendations for the N80 - they didn't notice you're using an

AIS lens. Do stay away from the N90 or N90s if you want quiet; great camera with MF

lenses, but folks will definitely turn and look in a quiet room.

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Thanks for the input so far... I have been looking for a stealthy mate for a 50 f1.2 that won't wake the dead. I like the idea of the FE2; my F3 and F4 just seem too loud. How does a FE2 with MD sound compared to a N8008s? (I know, my original post excluded MD noise).



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The F3 is somewhat quieter than the FM2N. The former "clunks" while the latter has a more metallic "clank". And the FM2N's MD-12 motor drive has a distinctive whine while the F3's MD-4 is relatively quieter. I can nearly silence the F3HP with MD-4 in a crude, homemade blimp box while the FM2N with MD-12 in the same box can still be heard.


However I'd bet than any AF Nikon that can function with AIS lenses would be quieter overall. Most of the AF Nikons made during the past 10 years are well damped against noise from the flip-up mirror, shutter and gear train. What noise they do make is quite unobtrusive compared with any manual focus Nikon I've tried.

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Yeah, the shutter and mirror are pretty quiet, but I thought the motor on the 8008S i have was pretty loud. That's why I was considering forgoing the MD (or a camera with a built in MD), and go the old manual route --- just shutter and mirror sounds. Same reason I spec'd AIS and not AF.


I really love shooting with my F3HP -- I think I 've taken some of my best images with it (not sure if it's the 100% viewfinder, the high eyepoint (I wear glasses), or the simple interface)... but to my ears, the mirror "clank" is very loud for stealthy photography.


And before anyone suggests it, yes, I have a Leica. Great glass but I'm not a big fan of the viewfinder, no AE mode (an M4-P), and limitations on close focus and no macro. ANd I could get a whole bag of sharp, fast, Nikon primes for the cost of a Noct. :-)


Oh well.



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