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I've switched from PC to Mac- Can I resell my Photoshop CS?

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My regrets if this is OT-


Anyway, I've finally become "fed up" with my PC and ordered a Powermac

today. I have a sizable investment in Adobe software for the PC-

Creative Suite Premium, Premiere Pro, Enclore DVD, of which I am the

original and registered owner.


Can anyone share tips/traps with me regarding my selling this software

to another party? I would want to ensure the purchaser would have all

rights that I, as licensee, have. Of course, I will happily expunge

the Adobe software from the old PC if I sell it.


Thanks for any comments,


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Well, Ellis, that would be great if I were committed to "staying the course" with Adobe. That isn't necessarily the case in this instance, particularly after the horrors I've encountered with Premiere Pro, which incidently, isn't even offered for the Mac.


I've tried to figure this out on Adobe's website, but maybe I am just too dim...



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I'm pretty sure you can sell the software, provided you uninstall/delete the copy of it you

have. Most companies, require the buyer of your software to pay the full price for the next

version of the software. So, whoever buys your copy of PS CS will not be able to upgrade

without paying full price for the next version.


You should check with Adobe, but I know that's how Lightwave and other high end

graphics programs handle owners afte the original buyer.

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The Adobe Creative Suite has been ported to MAC, and Adobe is generally cooperative in letting you change platforms. Sorry about your problems with Premiere Pro and Encore; I like them just fine. With MAC, you at least have Final Cut to take their place.


Hey! If you want to dump $3000 in software because you don't like your PC box, have at it. Of course, if your old box is slow and cranky, you could upgrade for well under $1000. It's your nickle.


Keep in touch.

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Years ago, I went from Mac to PC (Steve Jobs gets too much extra for the same functionality). Adobe sold me a complete PC version of PS and other programs for the price of an upgrade, and allowed me to keep and sell the Mac versions. You might give them a call to see whether this transfer is still available.
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<I>The Adobe Creative Suite has been ported to MAC</I> Ported? LOL Hardly, me thinks

you have that backwards at the best. PS is written native for Mac, no porting at all. After

all Bill Gates uses PS on all his Macs G5s in the Graphic Department in Redmond so you

know Macintosh will get it first.<BR>Call Adobe, I helped another person who saw the

light and switched and Adobe is very helpful in doing this. You will have to sign off that

you have deleted the Windoze version and there are forms you download for this. Call

Adobe support it is no big deal.<BR>Final Cut Pro HD is vastly superior to Premiere so you

are going to be better off in that respect.

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Without starting a MAC PC war I can tell you an Intel or Athlon based system can do more, faster, easier than a MAC anyday, for a 1/3 or 1/4 of the price.


I know because I have 6 desktops with all three processors running WIN-XP PRO and MAC OS-X. I only use the MAC for one specific program not available on Windows. Other than that, it collect dust, pretty much.

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Thanks for the help and interesting comments, everyone. I agree that getting a "cross-platform upgrade" through Adobe seems to make the most sense. Sad part is, they want $159.00 to do this, all because bloody Acrobat Pro has been upgraded. Bummer.


Sure didn't mean to start a Mac/PC war here and I thought I would clarify some of my situation, not that it matters.


First of all, my PC box is not "old and cranky". It is a hyperthreaded P4 3.2 ghz running with 2gb RAM, high end ATI card, DVR108 burner and about 600gb of internal SATA/150 storage- Yet rendering under Premiere Pro, when it doesn't crash, that is, is slow as molasses.


God knows if the rendering process doesn't bring the PC to its knees, importing the DV via my FW 800 ports will surely crash the system if I have the audacity to actually deal with another FW device during the process, and provided all of that miraculously works, it surely is no slam dunk my project's burned final product won't be a useless coaster. And yes, of course all of my drivers are current and my OS is fully updated as well. I hardly think paying $1,000 for a hastily slapped together piece of PC junk will help me out. And I am not a big fan of $35 no name power supplies that come with the "cheapo" systems- not for a computer I plan to use to make money with, that is for sure.


And, for the folks that think Apple asks too much for their gear, or as Giampiero seems to think (bro, can you spare some of your stash?) that an "Intel or Athlon based system can do more, faster, easier than a MAC anyday, for a 1/3 or 1/4 of the price", well, come work at my job for a week. I provide IT support for an office of Winboxes that are stuck with XP pro as proprietary software requires it. Take some time to quantify the business cost of the lost time and inefficiencies dealing with computers that forever are contracting malware, zombies, and other forms of intrusion exploiting an embarassment of an OS, with respect to security. Yeah, I have a properly configured hardware firewire, software firewalls, AV software, etc., and MY computer never seems infected, but boy the "average" user sure gets stuck in the mud. But, I see MS just issued their 99th security patch for IE- maybe that will solve all my problems! ;-) As for out of pocket cost, what I have invested in my box is roughly that of a fully configured dual 1.8ghz Powermac with all the goodies.


I've been building, supporting, and at times programming PC's for 20 years, and this is the first time I've been on this side of the eternal Apple/PC argument. I finally hit my breaking point, living and working with a "broken" system, that's all. Hell, my Powermac hasn't even been delivered yet, so who knows how this will shake out!


Thanks again for the Adobe help, guys. The folks at Adobe were very nice about the whole thing.



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Let us know how it works out when you get your MAC. You obviously are having problems with your PC that a properly working system should not experience, so something is wrong. But I also work with both systems, and can get both MACs and PCs to work fine. But I do prefer the PC for its generally faster speed and lower cost. The MAC OS uprgrades have caused more headaches with incompatibilities for me. Look at the latest issue of POST magazine. A full length HD feature film (Trailblazers) was edited on PCs using Premiere. Good luck.
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Will do, and I do anticipate a bit of a learning curve during the transition.


Please forgive me, but as to my problems that a "working system" should not experience, I wonder-

why, after installing SP2, was Premiere Pro broken, and I had to fix by renaming the executable (you'll find several hundred posts on topic on Google if you have the time)? Yeah, I know- Adobe blames M$... That surely is no fault of mine or the hardware, is it? It worked fine, err, by MS/Premiere standards, that is, prior to SP2...


I have nothing against Adobe per se, and they were certainly accomodating in my quest for transition, but I certainly tired of beating my head against the wall...


I am also curious- was the upgrade that caused you pain the os9 -> os/x or are you talking about intraversion upgrades once Unix was the essentially the underlying OS (well, BSD, but you know what I mean)...


I am curious, outside of games, what does your PC do faster?


My Powermac supposedly will rip the hyde off my P4 sys in Photoshop and in DV apps by nearly 200% in some tests, but alas, according to my tracking number, it is in a FedEx plane as I write and I will have to wait and see! ;-)


Thanks for the good luck wish!



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