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the best camera ?

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Sorry I mean a kind of camera for all .. for outside specially ... more like a reflex ...


for the moment I have a Canon Powershot G3 ....


then >>>

Phase One 22MP digital back for medium-format cameras.

or Canon EOS 1Ds ??




thank you

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It doesn't exist and it never will. Everything is a compromise. >>>


then why don't you buy and work with a 10$ camera ??


I try to get an opinion from professional to buy the best camera possible and now my question is >>


between Canon EOS-300D (Rebel) and EOS 1DS there is a dew thousands $ ... is there such a difference to justify the price or is it just because of the 11 million pixels ?

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<< then why don't you buy and work with a 10$ camera ?? >>


I do. It's called a Holga and I love it.


<< I try to get an opinion from professional to buy the best camera possible and now my question is >>


The question you are asking now is not the original question you asked. The best camera is the one you have in your hands that you are using this very moment. Every other camera is just a box sitting on a shelf.


Next week or next month or next year there will be a digital camera that blows away your current camera. It's a never ending game of catch-up unless you realize now that there is no reason to play said game.


You asking a "professional" what the best camera is would be like asking F1 drivers what the best car is. The best car for them is not the best car for you.

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Rob Bernhard why do you make your life so complicated when it can be so easy ???


if you think all the cameras all cars are the same .. then it was not a question for you


thanks to all others for helping

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<< Rob Bernhard why do you make your life so complicated when it can be so easy ??? >>


Digital SLRs are not simple. There are many important differences related to the extreme range of price tags. Failure to recognize this is the first step to buying the wrong product for your needs.


I never made the claim that cars and cameras are all the same. In fact, that is the exact opposite of what I said.

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The D70 I am planning to buy may actually be worse than a D-Rebel (D300) but for me it will be better because I already have an F80 (N80) to partner it and some good AF-D lenses. Also the 'kit' lens it comes with (18-70mm) is a better range for me than the 18-55mm that Canon offer. I will be able to find my way around the D70 easier because of my F80 experience.


The F80 will ultimately be the better 'digital' camera because a good quality, fine grained film scanned well will give digital results in another league to the 6.1 mpixel Nikon D70 (which I will probably end up using with its largest/finest jpg mode anyhow.)


The likes of the future D2X or EOS-1Ds are just fantasy on my budget so I do not worry about what they can achieve. I expect that a D70 in RAW mode on my sturdy tripod with cable or timer release will give me enough quality for decent 15x10 prints and if I need more then I will use film in the F80. There are question marks over the quality of the viewfinder on the D70 but there are always question marks over some aspect of any camera. I will live with it.


Tell us what you like to photograph and what you need to achieve with your new camera and how you prefer to work and people can then make better more informed comments on what might suit you and whether you need to spend more on a more fully featured more expensive model.

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the 'medium format' digital backs are really in a different category than cameras like you

are looking for: all of them are 99% equal in terms of end result quality 9as long as you are

comparing say a 22mp back to another 22mp back. the processign workflow can be very

intensive and you are working with files that start at about 64mb, 128mb and in some

circumstandces 512mb in size. The Canon EOS 1ds tops out at a 61mb file size. if money

is no problem and you like working outdoors primarily, my recommndation is the Leaf

valeo 22wi or the equally good Imacon 528C, either back mounted on a Hasselblad H1.

The new phase One p25 should also be i nthe same catgory but I won't be testign that

back till late July. But remember these are backs that cost about 20 x the price of a Canon

Digital Rebel. As I said above, if you need even moreresolution a Better Light scanning

back on a 4x5 view camera wis the right tool.


Yes there is a difference in the quality between a Digital Rebel or 10D and the 1Ds. The

new question should be: are those differences relevant to what you will be doing? Having

been to your website I don't really think so. that isn't a knock against you or the quality of

your work just a comment on what seems to be the type of work you like doing.

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Trevor Hare >>>


"The D70 I am planning to buy may actually be worse than a D-Rebel (D300) "


then another point for the Rebel !


"Tell us what you like to photograph and what you need to achieve"


macro .. spots on old walls .. nearlly never a portrait .... landscape under the forest, half light like in japonese houses

I like the greys scale in color, not big contrasts


but what I like and what I am able to do can be very far :-))


thanks a lot for your reply



Ellis Vener >>>

I am absolutly beginner with camera .. I like specially macro and "local" landscapes


I was looking on the Rebel because the quality seems (very) good and the price as you say is many time cheaper than other great cameras


as I said I have the powerShot G3, but I need a box with different zooms


thanks for your help



Rob Bernhard >>>


[<< then why don't you buy and work with a 10$ camera ?? >>


I do. It's called a Holga and I love it.


I never once said that. Please stop putting words in my mouth.]


sorry then I have misunderstood :-))


don't take it too serious... thanks for your replies



Al Feng >>>


I don't know what "the best camera" is, but I can hazard a guess at "the dumbest question."


we are all the dumb of someone else aren't you Al ???

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i bought the kodak slr, because i think that for my needs it is the best 35mm digi-slr.

and thats exactly the question.... for sport or fast jpeg results this camera is rabbish. so you have to define very exactly wherefore you will use it. also a 617cm linhof camera will be rabbish for sports or underwater use.....

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Me earlier....


"The D70 I am planning to buy may actually be worse than a D-Rebel (D300) "


The key word here is 'may'.


I do not know if the D-Rebel is worse or better. My point is that I dont care. I am not going to sell all my Nikon lenses and my F80 just to change over to a different system for the sake of what (at this price point) are negligible differences. Each camera has a different set of compromises and good points and bad ones.


If, however you have no existing 'legacy' system and are free to spend a lot of money on the best digital camera money can buy then a lot is going to be demanded of you, the photographer, to get the best out of your purchase. All digital SLRs are basically pretty good and share the same standard 'kit' of facilities. There are probably no 'bad' ones. Just as with film cameras you need to match your needs (and your budget) very carefully against the capabilities of each system. (Do you need cable release? Do you need mirror lockup? Do you focus manually most of the time? Is 6mp enough for the size of prints you wish to sell or display or is 11mp more appropriate? The list goes on and on.)


It is extremely unlikely that anyone here or anywhere else can answer your question from personal experience as a pro with a $10,000 rig is not going to be using a $1000 one as well. The committed Nikon user is not going to be able to comment on the day to day performance of Canon. Medium Format (or LF) commercial studio guys with scanning digital backs may have no great experience trudging for miles over hills with everything carried on their back!


List your priorities of what you do now and what you want to try next and list what you will need of this system. Find a system that satisfies all (or most) of the important points and then see if you have the budget for it.

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