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Fuji Films and travel

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Been using Kodak (Portras) for a while now due to access to some

mailers. Now that the supply is running low and with the Fair Lawn

plant closing, I'm thinking of making the switch over to Fuji because

of local access to their Frontier systems and papers. This comes at

something of a bad time since I will be leaving on a trip to Europe

in a couple weeks and don't have a whole lot of time between now and

then to test a variety of what Fuji has to offer. Can anyone

recommend from personal experience decent films for travelling (not

many portraits or anything, mostly landscapes and architecture).


As it stands right now, I'm thinking about bringing Low ISO Fuji

Reala 100 and a mid-ISO Fuji Press 400 or NPH 400 (the two I'm really

wondering about). Any case for Superia at all or is it really that



Thanks much for any input!

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My choice for your trip would be NPH and Reala. Reala is excellent. Superia 400 and Press 400 are, according to Fuji and to their edge markings, the same film. I prefer NPH to Superia, but many of my pictures include people. Otherwise, Superia is a decent all-purpose film. If you purchase NPH from B&H or Adorama, the per-frame cost is about the same as for Superia/Press 400.
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JMD, Reala is a wonderful low speed film with fine grain that doesn't require any refrigeration or other special care or feeding. It is waaaaaaaaay friendlier to processing in just about any mini-lab than the Portra films. I shoot Reala at 100 in the mid-day sun or at E.I. 80 in flat, overcast conditions and with flash.


For a 400 speed film, I recommend Fuji NPZ, the flat, 800-speed pro film I shoot at 400. Particularly rated at 400, it has fine grade for ISO 400 and is a bit more delicate of palate than the regular Superia films.<div>008sMv-18815384.jpg.27833f9edc268fc71fbf094a117cc37d.jpg</div>

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Reala + NPH *or* NHG is a great combination with the Fuji Frontier.


Some of the Kodak Portra films will do OK on the Fuji system, but will require experimentation first since it's a lab to lab thing.


Don't screw with vacation shots I say. Reala and NPH would be solid choices regardless.

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