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W/NW A sudden glow


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I was sitting in an office in Cardiff doing the sorts of things one

does in offices. I had my back to the window which wasn't a problem

as it had been the sort of gloomy western British morning that had

made the Romans wonder why on earth they'd bothered coming to the god

forsaken place. Then I happened to turn to look for a colleague and

it was like someone had decided to repaint the world in Technicolor.

The sun was coming through under the clouds like the biggest

searchlight in creation and suddenly the city looked like something

out of the Wizard of Oz. It lasted for only a few minutes but I had

my camera in my bag and took this shot. It doesn't do the scene

justice but I hope it gives some of idea of the moment.<div>0076MO-16180284.jpg.abbee076802c91c82ed6075655c72669.jpg</div>

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You will notice that with all the less than desireable places the Romans did go, they had the good sense not to discover the New World and come to such lovely places as Burnt Scrotum New Mexico where it is unbearably hot in the winter and we have not had enough moisture for a dead Kangaroo to survive. This place is a dust hole. It would also appear as though the Queen had the good sense never to attempt to colonize this place, leaving it instead to the King of Spain.


Nice photo. I need to shoot more.

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Harvey, I really like this shot. I like the tones and the colors. It says Cardiff. I'm wondering: How would it look if you made it a tiny bit lighter--but not too much. It might release the whites just enough to add a touch more glow but not enough to overwhelm the shot and spoil the wonderful mood you've created. But if you left it as is I would certainly not disagree.


This shot shows that you best shot might be right in front of you this very second.

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Harvey, on my monitor the image is also a little dull. (Not what you intended to show from what you have poetically described.)


However, as you know, I also live in the UK and even the merest glimmer of colour in our winter skies is enough reason to take the rest of the day off let alone just turn around and take a pic!


Can we have a Swindon pic? (Hehe)

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You missed the nice light methinks. I think you know this. Funnily enough I can imagine it as you describe it - pity it is not on film (he says brutally...). You are tough so I know you can take it! Did the Romans ever reach Cardiff? Oh well there was civilisation there once which is saying something I suppose.

Robin Smith
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