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Kodak supra 400 @ b&h what is it?

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With all of the films being renamed or discontinued ive found myself

a bit confused. see <a




O=WishList.jsp&A=details&Q=&sku=194527&is=USAW</a>... is this the old

supra? or a different name for one of the current offerings? any

insight would be appriciated.

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Although Kodak discontinued this film in North America and Europe, it's apparently still manufactured and sold in Asia and Oceania. Kodak has <a href="http://www.kodak.com/global/en/professional/products/films/supra/supra400.jhtml">a web page about it</a>, but you have to go through some contortions to see it. If you click on "Change Country/language" and select "Singapore" or "New Zealand" from the pull-down, you can read the page. If it's set to "United States" or "United Kingdom," you'll get an error message that says "Sorry, this page does not apply to your current country setting."


<p>From the description, it looks like the Supra 400 that came out in 2000, a very nice film ideal for travel. Ultra Color 400 (called Portra 400UC outside North America and Japan) is a newer and perhaps better film (it's supposed to have better skin tones), so it's up to you whether to use it or the discontinued-but-nonetheless-still-available Supra 400. The games Kodak's marketeers play are unfathomable to me, but they must believe that their multinational strategy of "Divide, Obfuscate, and Confuse" confers some tangible benefit to their executives and shareholders.

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