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Silver Nitrate in the UK

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I would like to try some of the alternative processes that are often

talked about on this forum.

The first stumbling block seems to be the purchasing of silver

nitrate in the UK. I have spent quite a while googling, and nothing

appears to cover the UK.

Initially, I would prefer to purchase a small quantity to get used to

handling it - I do understand there are health concerns regarding

it's use and that data sheets a readily available over the internet.

I have enquired at local photographic shops (now sadly catering more

for the digital market) and chemists, but am told it is not available

as a raw ingredient.

Could any of you knowledgeable folks point me in the right direction

to purchase some in the UK please.

Having seen some of the posts on this forum, my appetite is whetted

to try some of these processes for myself, and I look forwards to any


Thanks for your time,


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Try suppliers for astronomical hobbyists. A surprising number of these people make their own telescopes, including grinding, polishing, and reflectorizing the mirror of a reflecting design. One way to reflectorize, and much more accessible than vacuum aluminizing, is to apply a coating of silver -- and guess what, the silvering solution starts with silver nitrate.


If you talk to a human at all at one of those suppliers, you'll probably start off with them trying to sell you premixed silvering solutions, an A and B part that can even be applied as a spray mist from pump bottles -- which is very cool, if you want to silver some glass, but not of much use for photography; the same suppliers, however, will likely be happy to sell you a small bottle of silver nitrate, probably already in solution.


Worst case, you can buy some nitric acid (much more hazardous, but easier to buy most places) and 25 grams or so of silver bullion and make your own silver nitrate.

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Try Bostick and Sullivan or the Photographer's Formulary. Both are in the USA, both ship internationally. Silver Nitrate is considered a hazardous material for shipping purposes if the quantity is sufficiently large. It is not hazardous if shipped in solution.


You might want to check www.AlternativePhotography.com. I beleive that is a UK based web site. Should have some information or contacts. Also Google Mike Ware for his alternative photography site.

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Thank you so much for your answers gents. I have added some of the suggested sites to my list of favourites - It looks like I'm going to be sending out several emails later this evening!

hopefully, I should be able to scource some chemicals from at least one of them.

I should then be able to know first-hand what some of you are discussing, and will have some of my own examples.

Thanks again for your helpful replies,


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