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Ratings Guidelines


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Hello every one. I thank you for this great site u have, but i do

have so qualifications. In the critique forum someone should put

rough guidelines for the ratings (for both originality and

asthestics). I am encountering photographers giving me 1's and

ruining my average. However, we all know that 1's should be given

only to photos that are out of focus or have something inherently

wrong from a technical viewpoint. Plus i want to inquire why did u

remove from the site the rating i get on my pictures by photographer.

i used to know who gave me the low rating so that i can argue with

him, but u cancelled this option i guess.

any how i hope to get some feedback on that inquiry, thank u and have

a great day

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THere are guidelines, and probably we should make them more prominent. But, you know, the low ratings are not just for photos that are technically bad -- out of focus, etc. Someone might give a low rating to a technically OK photo for all sort of reasons: such as they think it is pretentious, pointless, malevolent, etc.


One of the main reasons that we removed the ability to identify who gave low ratings was so that people would stop argue with the people who gave them low ratings. This was happening a lot, and much of it was not very polite.

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Thank you for replying so fast Brian. I was wondering if u can look up my portfolio and tell me what u think, i would like to have ur opnion in the last 2 or 3 pics hat i uploaded. i looked at your pictures and they r really good. So if u have time please do the same :). take care and thx again

have a good day.

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