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Don't understand why people who don't post, rate??

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Hello I would like to know why you permit people that haven't posted

any images to rate others who have. I find it strange That usually

people who give you bad ratings don't explain why? If we do not know

what they dislike, how are we suppose to improve our skills and

better ourselve.

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There are lots of reasons.


You forgot to mention that most people who offer any rate - high or low - don't comment.


Browse, offer thoughtful critiques, ask for criques by email from people you like.


Be patient. That's about all you can do.

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Why should we require someone to have posted a photo before they rate photos? People who haven't posted photos have eyes. As for why don't they comment, it is because we don't require it and they don't feel like it. They aren't obliged to explain their rating and so they don't. If we compelled them to explain the rating, they might skip it, and then we wouldn't know what they thought of the photo, would we?
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I agree that maybe you should not force people to comment, although I think

consideration might be given to requiring an explanation for ratings of 2 or less. It seems

to me that if you rate a picture as Bad or Very Bad that it would be common courtesy to

explain to the person why you have done so. After all, the person who posted the picture

liked it and felt it was worth posting and, I for one, would like to know what it was about a

picture I posted that cause person to feel it was bad.

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We seem to be forgetting that this is largely art. Should we require an explanation from

everyone who leaves a museum or exibit unmoved? It's not black and white; sometimes a

photo does something for you and sometimes it doesn't. It can't, rather, shouldn't have to

be explained.

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i dunno. it is frustrating. if you get a bad rating from someone, you'd like to know where they are coming from. maybe they have a completely different taste for art, and therefore this would be shown by their own work.


i have given bad ratings without comments. and i totally regret it, because it's been done to me--and it comes across as complete snobbery. ah well.

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I don't think the site should ever require a commentary from the rater. Sites that do so are offensive at best.<p>


But I do feel that anyone who rates an image 1-2 or 7 should get a message before the system accepts the rating saying something like,<p>


"The purpose of this process is to help photographers improve by understanding the responses of viewers."<p>


"You have given this image an unusally low rating. Please be courteous and give the photographer the reasons for your rating."<p>




"The purpose of this process is to help photographers improve by understanding the responses of viewers."<p>


"You have given this image an unusally high rating. Please be courteous and give the photographer the reasons for your rating."<p>


Then the rater could be given the choice to comment or not. Those who never had any intention of giving their reasons will never comply, but the invitation may increase the chance that many others will.<p>



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"I would like to know why you permit people that haven't posted

any images to rate others who have"


Anyone is entitled to a view on whether a photograph made

available for critique works or not for them. Do theatre critics

have to demonstrate acting or play-writing abilities before people

listen to them? Or film critics? Should you have to be a chef

before you have a worthwhile opinion on whether a restaurant's

cooking is good? Do you have be an author before you can say

whether you enjoy a book? Nobody can tell you through a rating

whether a photograph is good or bad. They can only tell you

whether they liked it, and they're as entitled to say that about

posted images as they are about the film they saw last night.


I could argue that it is those without photographs posted here

who might give the most honest and useful ratings ( if there are

any ratings useful to the photographer that is) because they

aren't trying to get better ratings for their own portfolio. Maybe you

ought to start taking special notice of those who rate your

photographs without seeking anything in return!


I 'm afraid I always feel suspicious of the motives in play when

this issue comes up- which it does very often. It always looks

like someone is frustrated because they've just found out they

can't strike back. I know that's probably unfair but it does always

pass through my mind every time I see this issue.


Venicia's idea is a good one.

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<b>Venecia</b>, I love your idea. As you said, those that never intended to rate wouldn't heed the note; but I also believe it would cause many to reconsider, and add something in addition to their rate. If a statement of this nature is ever included, I think your sentence should be used verbatim. :)<br><br>


<b>David</b>, you're my hero. :) :) I don't say anything when people complain about those with no photos rating pictures. I just think to myself, "<i>I bet they can't sing a lick, but they have a favorite band/singer/group...and reasons they could list without hesitation...</i>" Well, now... You expressed my exact feelings far better than I would have. So, I don't have to say anything more. Thank you!<b>:D</b>

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Thank you to all that have answered me! You have given me an other way to see things... Maybe I am just too new to Photo.net. I for my part tend to leave comments especially when I do rated a photo on the downside 4 and less. I do so because I put myself in the position of the receiver and think that in leaving a comment, positive or negative will bring a least a justification to my point of view, thus probably helping in a sort a way the person who will read it. I did not right this to actually complain... And all your different views have broaden my perspective. I still do ask myself when I receive a negative mark...But I live with it. I'm not here to compete, But i'm here for comments.
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Just for fun, can anyone point me to a critique of an image that explained their 1/1 or 2/2 rate in a way that would convince a reasonably objective person? I honestly don't think I've ever seen one.
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Answering to Carol. I understand what you are saying but still I would always prefer a comment even if it wasn't very positive. I have posted a couple of shots that I taught very good and that others have not liked and one time only the person explained why and I understood his point of view. We can only grow if we get critisized sometimes. I'm not out for revenge, when I myself leave a somewhat negative comment I explain why (Technique? focus? lighting? Choice of subject? Cropping? Or If I don't get it all what the photographer is trying to show us, make us feel??)
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It's okay, Olivier. I think everyone understands your frustration. I've read many responses from photographers about receving a poor rating with no explanation, or helpful critique. No one said, "Oh, JOY!" when it happened. LOL! You've got plenty of company. :)
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As I've indicated in other threads, there are those immature individuals that have several accounts (why not? Account are free) and they will post under one name, and come back under another account with a different, ficticious name to give themselves high ratings and give others very low ratings.


What is so difficult to understand about this practice? What I do find difficult to understand is the mentality that thinks he/she is doing him/herself any justice by rating themselves higher. Rating oneself higher than others is not helping that individual learn a single, blessed thing! They are fooling themselves or they are merely out to cause mischief; either way, it is only an immature person who would do this (or a very stupid one).


They seem to have missed the objective of rating. It is not a competition; it's merely a measuring device to help those rated to improve their skills. But, as noted above, we have immature individuals here.


Anyone bringing this problem of multiple accounts out to light is under suspicion or receives hostile notes and responses. Me? I really don't care. I neither rate nor post images, and no one pays my rent but me, myself and I. I don't mean to be offensive or hostile but when is someone going to do something pro-acitve about those with multiple accounts for the purpose of hiding behind a ficticious name to give others poor ratings?


I've proposed something drastic. Here it is: have only those paying members be the only ones to be allowed to rate. After all, those with multiple accounts won't have multiple paying accounts to satisfy their pretentious egos.


I don't post because I only use film cameras, and I don't have a scanner. I don't rate anyone's work, and never have. I don't approve of "soft" porn, images with suggestive sexual content or frontal nudity (crotch shot); I don't take the time to rate them poorly simply because I don't approve and I don't think it belongs in a site where there are sure to be minors and some who are offended. I have, in the past, taken the time to write very politely and suggest that they curfew or modify their images posted on p/n; I have not had any success and I've reported these individuals to p/n administrators and nothing has ever been done (are they alive? does anyone ever really read the messages sent to them?).


If I don't like something, I can say what I have to say politely; I don't have to rate anyone's work, whether or not I approve. In the past, I've written encouraging words to some p/n members who've received disparaging remarks by a one or two individuals; I've never given ill-criticism to anyone simply because it is not in my nature to do so.


Here's an alternative to my earlier suggestion for rating: instead of giving the ability to rate to paying members only, how about making it mandatory to EXPLAIN why an image receives a low rating? If the explanation does not justify the rating, then the rating is dropped. How's that?

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Make it 3 to 7 ... Below Average to Excellent ...


If an image is considered below average it doesn't really matter too much how far below ... (people can always explain if they have a constructive opinion to offer) and the next one up is Average/Fair anyway.


For ordinary 'revenge' ratings, people could still use Below Average...!?


What aspect of the system stats would this hurt?

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Multiple accounts are a problem. But how would you deal with them? There basically is no way for us to stop this. There isn't any way to identify people reliably on the Internet. Email addresses can be created by anyone at will either because they control a server or through dozens of free email services.. IP addresses aren't tied to individuals and are sometimes shared/rotated amongst thousands of people. We could require that everyone pay to become a member and give us a credit card number, but that would be a major change in the philosophy of the site. There are other things that we might do but they would all be regarded as intrusive and most likely wouldn't be accepted, since other sites don't do them.


This is basically a problem all web sites have to live with until Internet standards evolve. Because of efforts to eliminate spam, I think eventually people will be identifiable through their email address, but this is going to take several more years.

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If you made 1 and 2 on a 7 point scale impossible to give, then 3 and 4 would become the new "low" ratings that everyone would consider an insult. (Many people already do.) Pretty soon, you'd have someone suggesting "lets just have a 5-7 scale, and not let anyone use 3 and 4". This process ends with a 7 point scale where the only valid rating is 7.
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There is a simple solution to this - don't look at your ratings. It's a lot easier with this new system. Just read the comments and go from there. In the overall scheme of life, one or two very low (or very high) ratings will not matter when you have enough ratings overall - they only matter when you have a few ratings and it dramatically drops or raises them. So just don't look and you won't be upset. Read the comments that thoughtful critics have left and learn from them.
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I system that does not allow any negative rates can still serve the intended purpose.


Rather than offering only an 'excellent' option, you explain that a click means "I select this image for the purpose of . . . . " What exactly? As an example of what you like? . . . what you think PN should display to the WWW as an example of . . . again what? a popular image? . . an interesting one? . something that will expand your photographic horizons? (presumably what many viewers are looking for.)


Or are we asking them to click on an image for internal consumption. "This image, although not necessarily perfect, has some interesting features that could promote discussion" (rather than 'best of . . '). . . . much like the current selection criteria for the POW.


Yesterday's discussion of the influence that web viewers have was a real eye opener for me. It's taken me two years of reading the site feedback posts on a daily basis to understand the role of viewers who are not logged in and how our assumptions of their viewing tastes drive the photo critique forum. Surely I'm not the only one who has missed this.

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In view of the dissatisfaction caused by activities of non-posters, I'm inclined to agree with a policy change (to require picture posts in order to rate or comment) even though I don't particularly feel victimized. <br><br>The analogy of a film/theatre critic is not applicable - everyone knows they aren't film makers, performers, nor are they required any knowledge beyond rudimentary writing skills or the gift of gab. PN is not a professional site, and members (mostly people from the general public) seek comment, feedback and interaction from (hopefully) competent and helpful individuals willing to engage by the rules of polite society. Failure to recognize this will ultimately result in fewer paying members and an adversarial site culture. <br><br>Finally, I can't see how the requirement to post photos should offend anyone, and it might even have the benefit of causing one to think twice before acting.
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Perhaps you require credit-card authorization (for identity verification only - no fee

charged to the card) for those who want to rate photos. It could be a mid-level

membership sandwiched somewhere between patrons and, whatever you call them - non-

paying users. This way, those who don't wish to pay or be identified can still get

information from the site, but in order to be an active member, some kind of identity

verification is performed.


I think most of the ideas here, particularly Venicia's, are great.

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