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check for subscription


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In January I sent a check for a 3 year subscription with the reduced

price offer. The latest bank statement shows the check has not been

cashed, and subsequently, I have not been acknowledged as a

subscriber. At this time, before I send another check, unfortunately

this time without the offer - full 3 year price, I need to know if the

check was received and not processed, or if it wasn't received at

all, in which case I can put a stop payment order on it, reluctantly

since it also costs $10 per check for 6 months. A 3 year subscription

will now cost me about $20 more than the original January offer, a

small price, but frustrating trying to know where the problem has

occurred. Help appreciated.



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I will just add my complaint to the list <b>AGAIN (for the 4th time)</b> of people whose subscription problems have been ignored. I renewed under the Sandy drive for 1 1/2 years for the price of 1, and only got a 1 year renewal. Brian, instead of answering ratings rants, how about addressing the people who support the site.
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Yes, as John pointed out, I have to agree that this is not good publicity for PN. The Picture This account has still not been updated and although I accept that renewing via PayPal is quick and simple, as Sandy suggested in the <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0083Dr"> other thread, </a> it is unfortunate that we can't find these straighforward instructions on the photo.net <a href="http://www.photo.net/photonet-subscriptions"> Subscriptions Page. </a><br>Maybe the following might be some help in tracing back the transaction that I made on 16 April...<p>Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 16:47:14 -0700<br>

From: service@intl.paypal.com<br>

Subject: Receipt for your Payment to Photo.net<br>

Dear peter daalder,<br>

This email confirms that you have paid Photo.net (paypal@photo.net) $25.00 USD using PayPal.<br>

This credit card transaction will appear on your bill as "PAYPAL *PHOTO NET".<br>

Payment Details<p>

Amount: $25.00 USD<p>

Transaction ID: 2MB916142S378202A<p>

Quantity: 1<p>

Item/Product Name: photo.net Subscription (1YR)<p>

Item/Product Number: 540524-SUBSCRIPTION12<p>

Buyer: peter daalder<p>

Message: ***IMPORTANT NOTICE***<br>

Subcription renewal for PICTURE THIS<br>

User ID: 617763

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Rajeef, unfortunately another newer posting about another subscription problem has already been posted. My observation of the postings of the numerous problems with the subscriptions comes down to this: photo.net has a problem managing subscriptions. This is resulting in negative publicity and I am sure, a reduced number of subscriptions and renewals. Photo.net is not responding/ or responding in an unprofessional manner to the subscription problems, which in reality should be ZERO. Some folks, as in the newer postings have received no answer after 2 weeks. In my book this shows incompetence in handling of the finances, no excuses should be given. Therefore I think that photo.net is urgently in need of a qualified party to handle the payments and correspondence.
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Ref my posting above, the latest reply from photo.net to another $$$ member hit the situation right on the target and clearly shows that handling of billing is a PR disaster and a financial problem as well. p dot net needs cash flow to survive yet every effort appears to be made to make joining difficult or to offend those who have paid, are willing to pay, some of us even more than needed.
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Allow me to correct. Brian has posted a reply in another thread, which explains the situation. However, my observation above reflects the situation as seen from the outside, and thusly looks negative. This viewpoint has some merit, as that is how photo.net users see the situation, i.e. looking "in" at the situation is entirely different. The remarks and replies made by photo.net managers reflect THEIR viewpoint of the situation. Currently, these viewpoints are very different which is not a good sign. To resolve the situation to the benefit of all, and since I'm only an end user, I would recommend that photo.net have an overall activity statement, maybe 1X or 2X a month, in which they explain what's going on and what they're doing. These statements could allow civilized feedback. Such a process might be far more preferable and would reduce the frustration levels, which create a negative situation and lack of subscriber interest. One suggestion I have frankly, after reading Brian's replies, is to stop the practice of sending in Checks, since this is where most of the processing problems exist.
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