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Best film for film scanners, especially Nikon Coolscan V

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I just purchased a Nikon Coolscan V to scan my slides and negatives,

but for future shooting, I was wondering which films have the best

scanning characteristics, specifically with the LS V?


Currently in bags in the fridge:

Fuji Velvia

Fuji Provia

Fuji Reala

Fuji NPH

Fuji NPZ

Fuji Press

Kodak T400CN


I know I use predominantly Fujifilm, but it is because of my

Frontier Minilab that I go to. Thus, I am willing to use Kodak films

if I am going to have better results with scanning. Any films I

should avoid? Any films especially good in this respect?


Thank you so much for the help!




PS. I'm not sure if this is a Digital Darkroom or Film and

Processing question... if this belongs elsewhere please let me know.

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I found that Provia and Reala scan really well (I get very good colors out of Reala), Velvia as well (but my scanner isn't good enough to dig into the details or shadows so I've focused on Provia more) as well as TMX and the various Kodak C41 B&W. Mixed results with Press 800.
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Provia is ok, but suffers considerably from what many all grain aliasing. The old velvia had it too, I like Astia and the new Velvia for scans. The Kodak E100 films are also quite nice, as are the Portra films.


I absolutely loathe Kodak Ektachrome 160T right now, it scans horribly on several of the scanners I've tried it on.

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