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Help. Dark photos with D100.


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I had the similar "Problem" with the D100 as well... I usually gave a +0.7 EV, but highlight got blowed away in times. Having reading posts from others for a while...I'm recently convinced that D100 is actually NOT underexposed every image. There's something to do with custom tone curve... I recently did the similar thing as below.






You 've to install Nikon Capture to do that. I don't 've any Nikon Capture.... the latest version can be found nowhere, so I got a 30-day trial version.


I prefer doing that way then adding +0.7 to all pictures.


Hope that helps. Happy shooting with your new D100 in the new year :)

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The D100 is prone to underexpose on Auto, for fear of blowing out the highlights. Many use Manual metering instead, but when using Auto an exposure compensation of +0.3 to +0.7 is often appropriate. If you are shooting where the highlights need to be preserved, a later adjustment in PS can bump up the midtones with Curves.


When you get more proficient and want to experiment with tone adjustmenets in-camera, consider uploading a custom tone curve. These require Nikon Capture software and can be found online from different sources, such as: <a href="http://www.geocities.com/atmabini@sbcglobal.net/">this site.</a>

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I've found that on auto exposure the D100 tends to underexpose, rumor has it they engineered it that way to keep from blowing highlights. I've found using manual settings with center-weighted instead of matrix metering helps (but this may not work in landscapes, etc. as matrix is probably the better choice there). The custom curves from fotogenic mentioned above have worked very well for me (but as mentioned you need the nikon software to apply them). Hope this helps some. With practice the D100 gives awesome results!


Good luck,


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