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How much should I charge them ?

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Hello friends!<br><br>


I have just received a job offer and they have asked me to give them

my pricing.

I don't have any idea of how much I should charge them.<br><br>

It's a museum in Netherlands, They want me to travel to a city about

200km from

my place, reside in a hotel for a few days, go to an ancient site

take some interior

and outdoor shots with regards to their instructions and send it to

them via email.

they may want changes and I may need to repeat the hotel->site->shoot-


a few times.<br>

HOW and HOW MUCH should I charge them?<br><br>


Thanks in advance

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Check out the book <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1581150598/qid=1088553616/sr=1-3/ref=sr_1_3/103-8066281-9247014?v=glance&s=books">Focus on Profit by Zimberoff</a>. Basically, you'll want to charge for expenses (travel, hotel, meals, film, processing, etc.), plus a "creative fee" or "day rate", perhaps some scouting time, etc. Plus any digital manipulation, courier, etc. You'll of course need to get a contract that carefully outlines usage rights (and appropriate fees).
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Thanks Gary and M for your answers, I will consider all things you mentioned, I can estimate most of these except the photographer's fee which I don't have any idea about (this is actually my first serious job of this kind), can you give me some numbers, how much would you charge as "photographer's fee" if this job was offered to you? They have asked me to give them an estimated price before we go into the contracting process.
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How much does it cost you to be in business (rent, your salary, insurances,

equipment costs, retirement, etc.) per year plus what you think is a

reasonable profit that you reinvest back into your business per year divided

by the number of days you want to work this year X the number of days the

project will take including pre and post production work.

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Hi Arash

Funny you should ask...I'm just pricing a job that is similar if not as exciting.A corporate client has asked me to "creatively" photograph their power stations that are about 3 hours drive away. There are 2 stations and the prints will be displayed in thier head office boardroom along with a couple of my existing shots of their local stations. The way I'm looking at it is that I'll charge per print (16"x20") framed and then add in a daily rate that will cover travel, accommodation film wear&tear etc. How does that sound? Any comments would be welcomed.

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