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Evil Leica's plans for world domination defeated...


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You may recall that Evil Leica had his lens mount put out of joint

buy the appearance of a Rolleiflex in the equipment cupboard. Well,

he did what he could to get rid of the newcomer, even going to the

length of paying the Royal Mail to lose the E2 for four weeks, but

all his plotting has come to naught - the Rollei is back.


Joking aside, the Rollei is a superb machine to use and I find myself

taking a completely different style of shot with it than I do with

the Leica. Not better, just different. The two cameras really do

complement one another, in my opinion. Today I took the E2 out for

its first job, a local demonstration against a planned stadium on

ground covenanted as a forest for a hundred years. Any and all

failings in the pictures are entirely down to me, the camera

performed flawlessly.<div>0088Tz-17836284.JPG.eae76ee9ead1336a62c77211c7d8277b.JPG</div>

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I love the "Rollei" way of shooting, but it is markedly different from the Leica. It requires time to develop proficiency. I always look at Robert Doisneau's shots when I need inspiration. The original experts from the 50s and 60s could do amazing things with these cameras, and have captured many memorable images.


Anyway, optically, a well adjusted Rollei will equal or beat almost any medium format gear.. and beat any 35mm.

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Unless you plunge >$130 for a decent screen, the original Rolleiflex screens are good for one thing only, framing the picture. For focusing, you better learn to use the scale. I fitted my 2.8E Xenotar with a Beatty with diagonal wedge (worth every $ of the numerous total) but sometime after that I found a pristine T and I still cannot resolve to go for the Brightscreen.
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The new "XYZ" screen gambit is abit of a con. This was common knowledge decades ago; and covered in the national camera repair courses. The owner gets a new screen; that the is "better"; but of course the dirty; grungy; darkened; horrible mirror is always cleaned; when a screen is replaced. This is why folks have such a weird strong opinion on how great these new screens are. Saddly; many times the mirror cleaning is 2/3's of the light loss; and the screen gets fill credit. Sometimes amateur repair hackers will ruin the mirror; by improper cleaning methods; and the new screen "modification" doesnt help much. The hacker removes the dirty; and some of the fisrt surface mirror coating; and the brighter screen helps hide the screwup; of the hacker.
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Harvey: I notice your post here and on the Rollei MF forum; you and I seem to be moving the same way - I'm waiting for my minty looking 2.8F to arrive from Germany next week. I'm encouraged by your enthusiasm for the Rollei.


I used to have a Mamiya 6 outfit, but want to have a simple camera without the burden of other lenses. This seems to fit the bill.


As to the photos - the first seems a little dark and muddy - I'll try to use my limited PS skills to 'improve' it...?<div>0088Vs-17836884.jpeg.cc06c34c08442ea16cd4bc0627c520b6.jpeg</div>

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I am concerned about your Rolleiflex Harvey. It seems to give very muddy images and that murk all down the right hand edge, what is it? (Light leak? Old film stock?) My cheapo Rolleicord VB came up with some nice stuff before I sold it. (Alas it was way too 'retro' for me.) Examples you may remember....�<a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0072cr ">click here</a>�<div>0088We-17837284.jpg.e9935c2e2a8cc7f71fdfdf3923125ccd.jpg</div>
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<< The new "XYZ" screen gambit is abit of a con. >>


Kelly, do you have some personal experience (bad) in this regard? I have three separate experiences of replacement 'bright' screens, all of which are fantastic! The simple act of holding the two sreens (old + new)up together is enough to demonstrate the efficiency of the new. Any tampering (cleaning) of the mirror can not be attributed to the screen. I hope you have resolved any problem in that area as the bright screens, properly handled and fitted are magnificent. I should add that it will probably depend on the brand/quality of the screen. In my case it is excellent.


Harvey, I envy your possession of the Rollei. I sold my beauty back in the 60's for a Hasselblad. I don't regret the Blad, but wish I still had the Rollei.


The waist level shooting DOES produce a different look and with practice is a more stealthy shooting style today, because people are not conditioned to photographers working without 'that thing' in front of their face. Your first shot demostrates the beauty of waist (low) angle shooting.


Go enjoy!

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Lets all rush to get a Rollie. No pushing or brown nosing ,much. Okay we all have to make a living. Wish i had a Rollie like Harvey. Harvey is an English Hero. Eat your heart out Yanks; we can also do the great

Hero bit.


Jeez, i forget, we are supposed to be proper and nice. Better, eat my apple pie dead quick before it's too late. Think I�ll go and hide; might have left some crumbs.


Harvey, the man. Forget Batman and all that stuff. Harvey is Sir Harvey (yes, really. Supposed to keep it a secret.) Bend you sad lot. Harvey can be very fussy before he offers.


No, Harvey is not Gay. Just cheerful.

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Been using the Babelizer, Allen?


What of apanha of the operation the measured value whole Rollie with

one. The cereal is B, of and l'avance of the Brauns that many do

not extend the thing n'est of qu'elle. They understood to us,

that one whole the end to give to the form to the obligation a life.

It has the fines of a hero of the English, that one that is Rollie, of

which it has Harvey, of that sees it, demanded qu'il

l'I.Harvey. He is wild and it stops of her who if it gets to be

alive comma, its center; N must more possible considered being and, of

that has in l'endroit, that that it is brave, is perigos

wonderful, that is we, qu'il. Jeez, I, parce are we repaired

qu'est him, that it is wonderful and is introduced which is he was

forgotten. It' L'I_ll the thought, goes he, before him, my

troops of the apple of hidden qu'il, improved, is complete and has

dulled with the l interior of the S. of qu'il eats too much

slowly; L'organizzazione of the bread of the original one goes

probably later. Nobody of Harvey. All l'élite one forgets him the

person and the material they. Harvey is placed of Harvey e (, truth of

qu'elle of a well-educated way. In winch the end to become

fullfilled that the sad secret that introduces the danger) with

l'unità complete of which and a nine protection of qu'elle

with the work and l'apertura is extreme the internal voice if he

is to harden of the production, the time of Harvey, fixes l'avant

of her all'ordine to it. In you Harvey you are allegro and speaks

on unemployed. L'exposition is lucky.

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Lets get really real. I'm the man, and the man is me. Of course there's that other plonker...love, and kisses stuff. Well, boring, miserable, sad bit of work or what!


Hey, fill your pockets,wine women and song...the way.


One life.maybe.There's a thought.The maybe word is a bit of a worry.

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Couldn't resist ... First of May yesterday ...<br>


<img src="http://www.dlridings.com/paw2004/18.jpg"><br>

Singing "The Internationale"<br>

Rolleicord Vb<br>




<img src="http://www.dlridings.com/paw2004/18alt1.jpg"><br>

Looking for company on First of May<br>

Rolleicord Vb<br>


I had my Leica with me ... but didn't get that "click" feeling about any of the shots.

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"I am concerned about your Rolleiflex Harvey"


I wouldn't be, Trevor. It's a combination of my rusty developing skills and the less than perfect driver on my old Epson scanner. I need to take a LOT more shots and get back in the groove, which is why I've just stocked up with 20 rolls of HP5.


Thanks for the much improved .jpg, Paul, I'm hanging my head in shame. Ian and Daniel show how it *should* be done.

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The negs are much better, although they're a bit on the thick side. I've just done an 11x11 inch print off my old Canon printer and it looks a lot better than it's showing here. More work, as I say, is needed. <grin>


Meanwhile, something altogether brighter and rather more on topic....<div>0088lz-17845384.JPG.bd5203fb1ad09716b49c3d2ce1db0ea2.JPG</div>

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