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90mm and 21mm as principal lenses

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I've been exploring the potential of M Leica photography for about 6

months and have settled on the MP, which I enjoy greatly. The bright

finder and precision focusing really encourages picture making.

Curiously, though, I'm finding that my main lenses are the Elmarit M

90/2.8 and the Voigtlander 21/4, with the Rokkor (CLE) 40/2 as a

night and general purpose lens. I find the viewfinder (.72) in the

MP particularly conducive for the Elmarit 90 and the Voigtlander 21

v/f is also splendid. I'm very tempted to complete the set with a

Summicron or Elmarit 28mm (the CF 28/1.9 is too big) but am biding

my time. Reading this forum it seems that most people use the very

wide or telephoto rather sparingly, typically around 10% of the

time. Maybe the bright finder in the MP is opening up the

possibilities for the 90 focal length again. It certainly has for me.

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Looks to me like you're looking for an excuse to spend money. The 21, 35 or 40, 85 or 90 trinity covers me for 99% of what I shoot. I use a 35 'cron on my M bodies, a 40 on my CL. I choose the 85/2 Nikkor when I need the speed, otherwise I take the MUCH lighter 90/2.8 old "long" Elmarit. The 21 is an f/3.4 Super Angulon. 28 can pretty much be covered by your 21 and 40mm lenses. The money would be better spent on a "user" M2 or M3 body, or the M4-2 that's currently for sale here on the forum at a give-away price.
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When I was a newspaper photographer, I used my 21 and 85 about 90% of the time, with my 50 thrown in once in a while. I never, ever, used my 35 or 135, both of which seemed (to me) to have too neutral of a look--especially the 35. Before I bought the 21, the 28 was my major lens, and it's still one of my favorites now that I'm not working for a paper.


Lens choice is obviously very personal. . .

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All said above. The problem is, everybody is different. I myself use my 35 and 50 about 90% of the time. (My 40 somehow belongs to and/or "equals" these.) Although I love my 21 and 90. Thus, it's also a question of which pictures turn out "best" i.e. we end up keeping and revealing the most. The only way to deal here is to shoot shoot shoot and record what you used. I'd say that after 1-2-5 years you'll know what you can't do without. But, again, that, too, might change over the years...
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As everybody mentions; everybody is different. Having said that, I can frequently go out

with just the CV 21mm. If you know how to drive one and can get in close then its a great

focal length. I have a 90mm SAA which I probably dont use enough to fully justify it - with

a manual focus 'M' it doesnt always offer a suitable DoF or the subject wont keep still long

enough to keep in focus especially well open. But I wouldnt be without it. My general all

purpose lens is a 35mm Lux; I have a CV 50mm Nokton which I find as a focal length I

never use - fortunately it not Leica glass investment.


My end comment would be as much as I love the 21mm and 90mm ends, something in the

middle - like a 35mm - I find a necessity!



Craig / Beijing

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Don`t get so much you can not carry it easily. 21 40 90 are a pretty good combo. If you just gotta have a 28, the cv 28 3.5 seems to have good reports as to build and image quality. Another choice could be the cv 25 mm. Nobody talks much about it and it is not rangefinder coupled, but I haven`t missed the coupling myself.


I have the older 21 non asph and the 28 2.8 third version. They tend to sit because of the size and I carry my new cv 25 f4. Put your stuff in a Domke FXB and you`re all set.

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I use a Contax G2 with 21/2.8, 28/2.8, 35/2, 45/2 and 90/2.8 lenses. Like most folks, I

generally work in the 35-45mm range and only occasionally use the 21mm and 90mm.

Although I have always considered the 21mm to be a specialty lens, when I look through

my favorite photos, I always find a disproportionate number taken with this lens. I would

not want to be without it.

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FWIW, I like 21, 28, 50, 85 and 135 (split between Nikon FM3a and CV Bessa bodies/systems). Fits easily in a "little smaller" domke bag. The 28, 50, 21 and 135 are getting most of the "air time" these days, in that order. My 35's and 24 are sitting on the shelves. The 85 remains in the bag, but lately when I want a tele, I just reach for the 135 and "zoom with my feet." 85 is rather versatile, though, and makes for a nice "long normal."


I'm still figuring things out, but I find I really, really like the 28mm focal length. General purpose and nicely wide at the same time. Encourages me to get nice and close. Plenty far enough from the 50 and 21.


I have the 28/2.8 AIS and would love to give the Leica 28/2 a try someday.

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My "ideal" Leica M lens kit would be 21/40/75, and I'd use them in order of greatest to

least 40 (70%), 21 (20%), 75 (10%). This was quite similar to what I was using with my

Nikon 35mm SLRs as well, on average.


Off-topic but perhaps of interest:

Shooting now with the Canon 10D, I find the lens kit I want most to be very similar in

terms of field of view although the focal lengths have changed (20/28/50) and the

frequency of use is flipped around ... 28 (50%), 50 (40%), 20 (10%). I haven't bought a

14mm yet to achieve the same wide angle coverage I had with the Leica, but given the

percentage use flip I don't think I'm going to bother: the 20 is wide enough. Somehow, I

find myself drawn to use longer focal lengths with the 10D more frequently, and have

been using the 300mm lens more than I imagined I would.



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