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orb photography

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I'm always fascinated by the human capacity to make daily use of highly sophisticated technology (cameras, say - exactly the sort of hands-on tech that is the direct product of rigorous scientific thought and research applied to the unforgiving laws of physics) while simultaneously embracing a world view that flies in the face of the very reality that provides for it.


The longing for a little mystery and wonderment is natural - we're wired for it. But there's plenty to go around without deliberately blinding yourself to the basic physics of a camera's operation. Back-lit, or strobe-lit dust particles diffracting light outside of the focused area of a shot, and then exhibiting sharpening artifacts that one's brain would prefer to see as faces (!) - well, I'm just shaking my head, here. Or, perhaps I'm completely misinterpreting a sublime and beautifully straight-faced bit of pop-culture/pseudo-science satire. I think I'll go with that last option, since it's much more comforting to me, and leaves room for my hopes for our future as a culture of thinking people. Yes, I like it better as satire. Why, it's almost up there (satirically, and in terms of people's willingness to take it completely wrong and miss the joke) with the ever popular <a href="http://www.shorty.com/bonsaikitten/" target="_blank"><b>Bonsai Kitten</b></a>.

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