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New Reality TV Show for Photographers: "Money Shot"

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I wonder if they'll have another show, where the contestants are tasked with coming up with better names for the network's <i>other</i> shows. I mean... "Money Shot?" Is that like calling a show that has screenwriters competing to make a better sitcom episode "Jumping The Shark"?


I confess, though, some curiosity about how this will actually work. I suspect that the harder technical work will be completely glossed over, and it will be all about the soap-operatic elements of the photog having to cajol contrary and pouty models into doing the right thing. You want a contest? See which one can write the most of their equipment off on their income taxes and stay out of jail. Now <i>that's</i> a money shot!

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I agree with John Seward. TV programming about photography is severely lacking. Personally, I'd rather read a book about photography, and view photo presentations of other photographers, AND MIGHT I ALSO ADD I LEARN A LOT FROM PHOTO.NET AND ITS MANY FINE CONTRIBUTORS! :)


I don't plan on tuning in to this new show, to see who gets voted off the island every week.

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Wait, work with me here: Setting the pop silliness of the genre of reality shows aside, American Idol and some of the other ones out there actually "function" as a mechanism for talent screening. With American Idol, contestants exhibit their talent by singing and a national audience votes on who's good. And THAT's a great way of getting the A&R (Artist & Repertoire) research work done. In other words, the winner of such a show has really been screened for their talent such that they might make for a good investment for someone in the record business, because their talent (and in large measure for pop music performance: *personality*) has been pre-selected by people via call-in voting, and such people might also run out and buy records. (Turns out, there's a "judge" on American Idol who basically does that work for a living already - - speculating on pop music talent.)


SO, a photographer's talent show of sorts isn't a completely crazy notion by those standards. That doesn't mean it will work, because, alas, I think as evidenced by the $$ opportunities in the economy, more people are a little more interested in singers like Kelly Clarkson than they are in looking at or even buying our photographs (concerts get way more attendance than art fairs) but this may be what they're up to in terms of a "TV talent show."

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