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35mm Slide Duplicates

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I have a 35mm slides, but not the negatives that go with them. I need to have duplicates made of the slides (i

don't want digital format i want actual slides). I know that there are some places that do this and I was

wondering if anyone knew of a place where i could have this done anywhere remotely near Tampere Finland.

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If you don't get a recommendation of someone specific, there are two things you can do. (1) Find a photo lab used by professionals. The staff should either be able to do it or refer you to someone. (2) Go to an art museum and ask for the name of the photographer who prepares photographs for their catalogs. Whoever does that will be an expert in copy work, and can either copy your slides or tell you who can. You may have to go to Helsinki. Incidentally, except for some unusual films, there is not a negative associated with slides. There is only the slide.
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The slide is the film that went through your camera.


Use you phone book for profesional photo labs. I suspect this is going to be a problem as the film to do it is a special lab film that can be bought only in large quantity and it will go bad if not used. It is not a popular thing anymore. Regular camera film will build excessive contrast unless special techniques are used to control it..


There is a way to do it yourself with a copy stand and macro lens and a way to control contrast.


Start a new thread or search the old ones.




Maybe this will help. If not, use google to find more business phone directories in Europe. I strongly suspect you will need to send it to a major city in Europe.

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The question about whether to send this out or do it yourself will depend, in part, on how many slides you have. You can still buy E-DUPE slide film. I don't know whether you can get it in 36 exp. rolls or whether you will have to bulk load it. A bellows with a slide copier attachment will allow you to make the copies. The problem with using regular slide film is that you will pick up extra contrast. Duplicating slides was always somwthing of an art so even if it is done professionally no duplicate will ever be exactly like the original. It is easier to shoot slides with negative film because you can get more control over the contrast when the negatives are printed.


If I had to do this I would use my Minolta Auto Bellows III with the 100/4 Rokkor-X bellows lens and the slide copier. I have some E-DUPE and I would try that first.

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