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2012 approaches, what will you shoot?

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<p>With the year 2012 approaching, and according to the Mayan Calander "The End of their Calender" an "End of an Age" or "End of the World as we know it".<br>

What will you be photographing to chronicle the end of our age, and if we don't make it, something you would deem worthy to photograph and leave behind in a time capsule for possible future civilizations to look back at our world.<br>

Would our photography improve if we searched out every photo shot as if it will be the last perfect photo we will shoot to leave behind. I looked through some of mine and wasn't sure I have yet taken that perfect photo.<br>

Thought this might be a fun subject. I look forward to your thoughts and photos.</p>


Cheers, Mark
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<p>lol, I missed the Y2K on PN, look, we have to have an end of the world prediction every couple years. I know I jumped the gun, we are in the pig flu pandemic now, of course I heard a report that will not happen for two more years, until the virus fully mutates to humans. Anyone getting any pig photos.</p>

<p>I think my son has been getting ready for Zombies with XBOX, the government knows about the coming waves of Zombies (no doubt that will come about by a mutated Pig Virus). That is why they had Microsoft make the game, it is really a trainer.</p>

<p>An entrepreneur, Mike. I like that, plenty of opportunities for the survivors. Think of the Zombie calender market. Zombies need calenders too.<br /> <br /> Pankaj, (a Sitchin reader) I like yours, catch the stars as we cross the Galactic Equator and the poles shift, the magnetic field collapses, the sun fires off an M class (planet killer) flare as our shields are down. Which the radiation could cause Zombies. Fires, Earth Quakes, Tidal waves, continents rise and fall, wars, dogs sleeping with cats, sheer chaos. Then it will be easy for the Aninaki from Niburu to once again enslave the planet or do we mutate into higher beings and join them? The Aininaki may need calenders, Mike.</p>

<p>And Mike, don't forget the Mayans. The need a new calender after 2012. Their calender runs for thousands of years so lots of photos...</p>

<p>Now lets get out there and take some photos. (You guys are so fun)</p>

Cheers, Mark
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<p>Mark, milestone events-, comets, planetary conjunctions, millennial changes, have never turned out to be as 'groovy' as I expected in my lifetime. As some joker once put it, " I can absolutely predict there will <strong>definitely</strong> be a big <strong>craft fair!. </strong> So I will be at the fair, with my old outta date Olympus, probably buying more wood handcrafts, and happily shooting people pictures at that whopping <strong>Big 'Cinco de Mayan Craft Fair' </strong> at Thomas Circle downtown<strong> </strong> . So I predict.<strong> (Knock wood,,,)<br /> </strong></p>
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<p><em>"The wackos wha are always predicting the end of the world!"</em></p>

<p>I love my Coast to Coast as much as the next guy--keeps me entertained while I work at night--but they all crawl back into their holes after their "prophecies" come and go.</p>

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<p>As I confirmed that last silly reply, i noticed part of the PN reminder on posting:</p>


<p> Then ask yourself if, when someone stumbles upon this exchange four years from now via a Google search...</p>



<p>Hmmm, 4 years from now will be 2013. Who will be around to read this? </p>

<p>If I'm standing on the west side of the International Date Line, will I be able to look to the east and photograph what will be occurring in 24 hours?</p>

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<p>Since we don't know when we're gonna go anyway, I can't see any radical reason for making a big change. I stopped doing what normal people do around 1986 anyway. Live a life of adventure; you're gonna die anyway.</p>

<p>If you race around trying to photograph the end of the world, there will come a point that you won't complete the communications cycle because no one will see the photos. Some image somewhere will end up stranded in the camera. An image seen at the last moment won't be thought about.</p>

<p>So, somewhere around the last 15 minutes, you should probably just have a cold beer and forget about photography.</p>

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<p>In 2012, I will likely photograph with the same approach I had in 2011 and will have in 2013 and beyond until I am unable to walk or to see. At that point I will die, and others will continue to photograph as they have and as they want to over the next millennium.</p>
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<p>LOL @ Stephen Cumblidge!<br /> If that's the case then I'm on the good side with my Bronica ETRSi. Those users will be cherised by the Zombies for documenting the great take over. All the Hasselblad and Leica users will be out of luck for this one. LOL</p>
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<p>Right now, working on a conversion unit to turn those deep fat turkey roasters into brain roasters to sell to an obviously growth market, the zombies. </p>

<p>But, really, I'm still not over the shock that the year 2000 came and went and nothing great happened. </p>

<p>Ok, but for the time capsule, a dollar bill to prove there actually was a country called "America" at one time and a page from the classifieds showing that brand new Nissan Quest minivans can be bought for only $8,000. on sale, today only, with your trade in worth $3,000. and the discount and the rebate but add $695. for the dealer and minus tags, tax, and delivery fee. </p>

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