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10 Golden Rules of Great Digital Photography

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I am a DSLR beginner and would like invite you all to share what your top few

golden rules of creating great digital photographic images. For example:


1) Lighting is everything - shoot outdoor only at sunrise and sunset;

2) Never wear a cap when you shoot as it may distort the camera metering;

3) Always shoot in RAW???

4) ...???


Looking forward to learning your top few rules.

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Well, I broke all 3 of your "rules" the last time I went out on a little freelance gig for a local magazine, and the editor liked the photos just fine...<p>


Great photography of any kind comes only with practice, persistence, patience, and keeping your mind and eyes open.

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Learn the relationship between shutter speed, aperture, and iso. Learn selective focus. Learn to hold a camera properly. Learn the relationship between subject distance and focal length. Learn to see how the camera 'sees'. Learn to see.


With the above, you might get some good photographs. Maybe.

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Shoot it..print it..compare it (the print) to the scene...and learn what the camera/printer combination is capable of. Do it again until you get it as you want it. THEN...have a look at the histogram...and the lcd..and see what they look like....and how you can use them as tools. You can always tweak a good image for the web...you can't always tweak a web image for a good print.


But that's not a rule...just a tip. And Josh doesn't like vegemite! Go figure! :)

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You may want to adjust the title to 10 golden rules of photography. I don't really see any

difference between film photography or digital photography. We are still capturing light.


It is much more liberating to shoot in the raw.;-)


Don't forget the tripod.

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Hansen Tsang got in before me: although there are differences between digital and film photography, they are not at the "ten rules" level. Any rules will be for photography, regardless of recording medium.


In fact, having thought up my rules, I realise that they apply to everything - not just photography


My rules would be these:


(1) Thoroughly learn and internalise the nature and characteristics of your materials.


(2) Be always looking at - not just passively seeing - everything around you.


(3) No point in writing this one myself, since W Eugene Smith already said it: "...experience ever deeper, and endeavour to give out from this experience". (Popular Photography, Vol 42, #5, p84)


(4) Use rules where they facilitate (1) above, but never ever let a rule get in the way of thinking and feeling and learning.

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Make sure your (digital) camera batteries are fully charged and/or carry a spare.<p><p>Hands up those of you who have ever been caught with the (electric power) window(s) wound down in your car, after you have switched off the engine and ready to pull the key out of the ignition...<p>
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I stole some of these<BR><BR>

1) Remove lens cap before shooting<BR>

2) Carry a spare battery and a spare card<BR>

3) If you have to make a choice, expose for the highlights and let the shadows take care of themselves<BR>

4) If you have a choice, shoot raw<BR>

5) Wear comfortable shoes<BR>

6) Clear the brain and open the eyes<BR>

7) Remember, the exotic is on your doorstep<BR>

8) Never put the kitty katty in the middle<BR>

9) Treat yourself to a film camera<BR>

10) Break all rules of photography except (1) and (10) in this list<BR><BR>


And 11) Don't take this stuff too seriously!<BR><BR>


I do often wear a cap - sideways. It keeps the sun out of my viewfinder eye.

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