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Anybody with Fuji X-Pro 1 and Leica M experience


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Thanks very much.<br>

I had the chance to use it once but I couldn't shoot long enough to come to a conclusion, so it is good to listen to other people experiences and opinions as it may be an option when a new version comes out. <br>

For the time being the closest experience is the X100 that I bought a little over two years ago and pleases me a lot no matter the focusing aspects, but for manual I use the AFL/AEL button help and I can survive with it and for subjects requiring focusing speed I can always use a D700 FX DSLR with fast lenses.<br>

A rangefinder is a completely different thing as you say and makes no sense to talk about substitution, but until now I didn't have the "courage" to buy an M digital camera besides I did suffer several crisis of temptation since Leica introduced the M9.<br>

The X-Pro would be a possibility to use something other than the DSLR at a lower cost and with the possibility to use some fixed lenses I've from Nikon and Olympus OM, apart from the good Fuji X series ones (I'd be looking for the 14 and 35 mm).</p>

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<p> "There is way too much clutter to assist the casual user that has to be turned off and removed from the viewfinder--a painstaking process. Also, every time I complete an operation, like changing the ISO, the information clutters the viewfinder. Furthermore, I still find some operations mysterious, even after reading the manual and other sources. I somehow pushed the wrong button and the continuous shutter speed indication disappeared from the viewfinder and would only reappear when half depressed the shutter release--and it would lock in."</p>

<p>Well, I'm going with Alex. Maybe not boring but headache stuff.</p>

<p>Someday it will all be sorted....but, put a 15mm lens on a M and you just frame. Nothing quicker than that...not even close.</p>

<p>However, if you don't like being to near your subject....</p>

<p>Thanks for the photos I will share with a few M8 ones.</p><div>00bpEx-541345784.jpg.dacbea0b4c33befee25ebfd5ab63c290.jpg</div>

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<p>The Leica M9 is more straight forward to use. Like the M8 the Fuji XPro buttons can be activated accidentally.</p>


<p>Two different cameras so one to one aspects comparisons just show it and besides the premium for the brand name must be a reason for the huge price spread of the M9 over the Fuji. <br>

Doesn't the X-Pro allow to block the rear buttons as it is possible to do with the X100?<br>

For this model, it came with a firmware update and it's a way to avoid that kind of accidents.</p>

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<p>The dream of a Leica is now real with a M8.</p>

<p>Or, you can spend your gold on a tinny make believe....soon to be upgraded to another tinny make believe...worth nothing. Who would want them.. in a few months time when the latest and greatest arrives.</p>

<p>No one.</p>

<p>But that Leica M8....please.</p>

<p>Hey, being super wicked for the fun of it.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>If you are happy with your cam....that is what it is all about.<br>

Who cares about what anyone else thinks.</p>


<p>And then you take it here...</p>



<p>Just imagine holding a beautiful M8 in your hands....and then a Fuji something or other about to be upgraded next week to another...well, Fuji something or other.<br>



<p>and here...</p>



<p>The dream of a Leica is now real with a M8.<br>

Or, you can spend your gold on a tinny make believe....soon to be upgraded to another tinny make believe...worth nothing. Who would want them.. in a few months time when the latest and greatest arrives.<br>

No one.<br>

But that Leica M8....please.</p>


<p>and here...</p>



<p>The Fuji photos seem to be very much using the yellow channel.<br>

Perhaps it helps them.</p>


<p>Yellow channel? taking a racist route? or did you not know that digital cameras use a green, not yellow primary?</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finaly got my m9, great camera, and my m lenses are seeing work now, I was very sorry to see that my 21/3.4 superangulon is practicaly

useless on the M9, except for some b&w ligth fall off trick picture. But the rest of my leica lenses can be use digitaly, from a 50/1.5 TT&H to newest

35/1.4 asph. Since I like working with two bodies and two lenses mainly 21 and 50, or 21 and 35. I needed an extra body, and lens,

another M body and a new 21 were off my budget, but a X Pro1 and 14mm lens could do the trick, and it is working for me so far, still

geting use to change systems, the 14 mm is used like a hiperfocal camera with autofocus, and my m9 and 35 or 50 complete my vision. I

am still working to match color of the two cameras through Ligthroom 4 and can see the ligth out of this tunnel, that has been stop using

film and two m bodies.

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  • 1 month later...

XPro1 is a great piece of camera, in my opinion there are too many options that have to be chequed out every time you change the

battery (very often), on the other side, M9 gives you less functions so it becomes more, less is more, the less butoons to select the faster

you can click a picture, so for now the more I do digital photograpy the more I need my film camera back, but it has been important to

know the new technologies so I know what film photography is capable of. Intuitive reactions for a picture is one, a posecion of a negative

is another, prints of silver on paper is another. New digital photography makes some photographers reapreciate old tecnologies. Still keep

the digitals, love to learn using them. But to take pictures I rise my old leica and take the themperature of developer.

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  • 2 years later...


<p>Just imagine holding a beautiful M8 in your hands....and then a Fuji something or other about to be upgraded next week to another...well, Fuji something or other.<br>

Sorry, just being wicked.</p>


<p>@Allen, I know you were "just being wicked" three years ago now, but it feels appropriate to point something out now in 2016 - the year that the X-Pro2, the XP1's successor, has finally been released.</p>

<p>The X-Pro1 was released in 2012 of course. Fuji have taken four years to come up with a direct replacement (whilst issuing a number of firmware upgrades to the XP1 to improve it along the way).</p>

<p>Now let's look at Leica. The M8 you're so keen on was released in 2006. It was replaced by the M8.2 in 2008 - just two years later. Then the M9 turned up in 2009, just a year after that, making the substantial jump from APS to full frame. </p>

<p>Of course they didn't stop there. Although not billed as direct replacements, there was the M9 Titanium in 2010, the M9-P in 2011, and then the M-E in 2012 - that's a new Leica M released every single year since 2008! Of course Fuji have released other bodies in their X system other than the two X-Pro's, but they've all been distinctly different bodies appealing to different styles of shooting - not just version upon version of the exact same product!</p>

<p>Then there's the first M type 240 <strong>also</strong> from 2012, followed by the 240 M-P in 2014, the type 262 a year later in 2015, and the M-D from this year. The long, long list of massively expensive new M body upgrades will continue relentlessly long into the future I'm sure.<br>

In short, it's a good thing that Leica's are still built like the museum pieces they're cynically modelled on, because it's quite clear that as far as Leica are concerned, each new model they release is already history before they've even left the factory. </p>

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