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HI! I'm not new here, but I'm introducing myself.


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<p>Hi, I'm Josh.</p>

<p>I've been a professional photographer for over a decade now and involved with photo.net for longer than that. Now I'm the guy who runs the place. I spent a number or years working in the "extreme" sports industry and did a lot of magazine work on the editorial end and product/ad work on the commercial side. It was pretty fun and a great adventure (if you care, you can read about it <a href="../featured-member/2008/december/josh-root-extreme-sports-photographer">in this article</a> ), but at some point I wanted to be at home sleeping next to my wife and not on some athlete's couch or in the back of a stinky tour van. After that, I spent a few years doing wedding and some random editorial/commercial work. And then in 2006 I got the chance to run the public side of photo.net, which was pretty cool. I don't mess with the programming side though, Jin the Wizard does that. He said that he'll turn me into a Kodak disc camera if I touch anything.</p>

<p>I live up here in Washington state. I have a wife and 1.5 children. Actually, at this point it's more like 1.75. I've got one great dog and three horrible cats. When I actually get to get out of the house, I go fly-fishing, golfing, rock-climbing, or just hang out at the brewpub and throw darts. When I don't get to get out of the house, I mostly just work on photo.net or change diapers. Which some might say is the same thing. Not me though, one stinks WAY more than the other.</p>

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