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Paul Twiggers

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  1. Paul Twiggers

    Window side

    An afternoon during the stay-at-home periods in spring
  2. A Mini-cooper parked in a Hutong in Beijing. At dawn, the color of aged wall of the architectures echos with that of the car.
  3. In a spring afternoon, a bike half hidden behind flowers and bushes. The campus has been closed due to pandemic. This spring was sadly silent.
  4. Paul Twiggers

    Hello Campus

    UC Davis Campus in Fall with RVP and Mamiya Press
  5. Paul Twiggers

    Vintage Lake Tahoe

    Lake Tahoe with 1995 Kodak EPY
  6. Paul Twiggers

    Vintage Lake Tahoe

    Lake Tahoe with Kodak Ektachrome 64T
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