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Darrell Long

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  1. Darrell Long

    Freeman Dyson

    Probably the most brilliant mathematical physicist of the 20th century. Your friends miss you.
  2. The ancient Jewish cemetery in Prague. A wonderful story filled with conspiracies can be found in Eco's book "The Prague Cemetery".
  3. Darrell Long

    St. John Nepomuk

    The patron saint of Bohemia, and of keeping your mouth shut. He was the queen's confessor, and when asked by the king about her possible cuckoldry he put his finger to his lips and invoked the seal of confession. He king had him drown by throwing him from
  4. Darrell Long

    Strange Birds

    We were walking to dinner when we saw groups of men in the trees. They were trimming them for the Winter. In the United States, we would make a machine for this, but in Switzerland, it was a large crew climbing the tree.
  5. The castle belonged to John Long, a good Catholic, who fought against Cromwell. Crowell's boys caught him and he told his daughter to burn it to the ground rather than let Cromwell's people have it. She did, but they took the land. It was not restored to
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