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Everything posted by tony_gorell

  1. <p>I've had the PC-E 24mm f/3.5 for about a year. I did the 90 degree rotation almost straight away, as that suited my needs. There are on-line instructions on how to do it. Just be careful and take your time. However, it is not something that you'd change very often, as there is still risk. From what I have read, you cannot do the same with the 45mm and 85mm PC-E lenses as the cable is too short. They must be converted by Nikon.</p>
  2. <p>I was cleaning out the mirror box of my D800 with a rocket blower brush (camera held with lens opening facing down) when I accidentally slipped and the plastic tip of the blower brush touched the focussing screen, leaving several marks which appear as grey marks in the viewfinder. Definitely not scratches. The camera is otherwise undamaged and works perfectly well. I was surprised that the plastic left such a prominent mark.<br> I know that the screen can be replaced, and know how to to that. It is delicate, but the cost of a new screen is exorbitant here in Australia.<br> It's more of a nuisance that anything else. I used it for several hours today and readily adjusted. After a while, I didn't really notice it anymore, but...<br> Has anyone experienced this and know of a way to remove the marks? Would isopropyl alcohol work, or would it further damage the screen?<br> Thanks.</p>
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