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Posts posted by robert_lowe

  1. "The stench of my darkroom ...? Priceless...Photography means " to draw with light"....What can i tell you i am comfortable with wet darkroom, and also i feel that when people compliment me on a particular piece , i feel i deserve that praise because i have had a relationship whith that particular piece of paper."


    Thank you, Domenico, I couldn't have said it better myself.

  2. I have an aniversary addition Speed Graphic with a broken RF. Normally, I use the ground glass, but occasionally, I will be traveling along and see a scene I'd like to shoot quickly without setting up.

    I have an Ektar 127mm 4.6 lens in it. I set the focus on the guide to infinity, stop down as far as I can and keep the shutter speed at 1/60 or faster (I use the old "Sunny 16" more than my meter), load and shoot using the wire guide or the view finder to frame the shot. Sofar, it has always come out, but I've only tried it on landscapes.

  3. Re; delovoping your own film. As a previous poster said, it is easy and affords you some control. You don't even need a darkroom. Any windowless room that can be made dark, or a changing bag will afford you to load a film tank. Once the tank is loaded, you can process it at your kitchen or bathroom sink. The cost is minimal and only takes an hour of your time. Just make sure you have a dust free place to dry.
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