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Image Comments posted by adam_laverty

    Hand on a Rambutan


    After buying various items of fruit from a market stall, I though I'd

    take a shot of a basket of Rambutans. However, as I was about press

    the shutter this old womans hand came into view. At first I thought

    it ruined the shot by de-focusing the fruit at the back. ( it was a

    texture shot I was after) But on second thoughts, I think it improves

    things. Would love to know what you think.


    many thanks Adam

  1. Please accept my apologies for the quality of the scan.... I've tried

    4 times to get a sharp image, and this is the best I've got. (the

    print is fine??)

    Noticed this shot in the middle of the night (no I took it a couple

    of days later.

    In the original you can tell how long the exposure is, but it's not

    so clear in the scan..

    I would really appreciate any comments and grades.

    Thanks - Adam



    OK, my second attempt at using my extension tubes. Found this little

    (3mm) critter in my kitchen (was already dead-honest) so I thought

    I'd snap him.. Used a mini maglight from the side as I had to get so

    close to the subject. Having read a few forum threads re close up

    diopters v's tubes I have still to make up my mind, as tubes seem to

    work (with a little effort), would love to read your opinions on the

    pros & Cons of either. And of course any criticisms. (like a light

    from both sides maybe?)


    Nice shot and well put together, the only thing I may have done different would be to have the cigar light with a small plume of smoke drifting up... Was the light at the back of the brandy glass from the candles??



    I quite like the balance of the dark head area against the lighter

    water, as well as the oily texture to the water.

    Curious as to what you may think. Suggestions always welcome.





  2. Apparantly you are supposed to under expose by x stops depending on which ones you use. (they come in a set of three - 12mm, 20mm & 30mm) If memory serves me correct it's 2 stops for all three.
  3. Thanks for the comments, and even the altered photo.

    Guy, no need to apologise, if I were afraid of criticism I would post here. I agree I have done better stuff, unfortunately my earlier stuff seems better than a lot of my more recent. Oh well - back to basics.


    Thanks again

  4. After noticing this mad red sun set happening outside my front door I

    rattled a few of these of. However, I can't decide if this has any

    merrit what-so-ever. The scan is poor (compared to the original

    slide), which doesn't help. Any ideas - or should I just add it to

    the pile of also rans.




    I'm still fairly new to photography and would like to know if the scans of my slides should be the same as the slide itself?? If so then I should drop my lab (processing fine - scanning far from it) As when I got home last night and actually viewed the slides they are all many times better then the cd images, even this image is far better than I thought it was.

    So, should my digital images be as good as the originals??



    Working in fading light, and in an attempt to improve colour

    saturation I pushed my film to 200, is this right??? Apart from that

    would love to know what you think??

    Ta very much

  5. It was lit while a circus was playing there.

    I agree that the framing could be tighter, but I would have lost some of the reflection. I do have some of the building only, but they are slightly overexposed. I'll add one to my portfolio.



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