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Nathan Diemer

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Everything posted by Nathan Diemer

  1. Nathan Diemer


    This was created by setting up a bare speedlight 20 feet away, and then putting a metal wall grate in front of the model's face to create the pattern. The image was shot on Kodak Tri-X 400 with a Nikon N80 and Tamron 85mm 1.8 VC. I printed the image onto
  2. This is the culmination of my dreamscape portfolio https://www.natediemerphotography.com Rembrandt lighting via a Yongnuo Speedlight in an octobox. Hair/backlighting via a bare Nikon SB24. Taken with the Tamron 85mm 1.8 VC. I not only took the picture bu
  3. Nathan Diemer


    Butterfly lightning via Yongnuo speedlight in an octobox.
  4. Nathan Diemer


    Taken at a Rodeo I'm Fort Worth, Texas with the Tamron 85mm 1.8 VC
  5. Nathan Diemer

    Purple Canyon

    This is a panorama of 4 vertical Tamron 85mm 1.8 photos merged together.
  6. This is a composite in which I star stacked the sky and also combined multiple exposures for the canyon. There was no moon leaving the canyon extremely dark necessitating a much longer exposure than the sky.
  7. Nathan Diemer


    This is a merge of 9 photos using the Tamron 85mm 1.8 VC which combine to create a 100 megapixel image.
  8. Nathan Diemer


    This photo was taken from a twentieth story balcony, and was one of the first pictures I took with my DSLR.
  9. Nathan Diemer


    This image part of my dreamscape portfolio. I put the model on a stool however once in Photoshop I ended up completely separating her from the background and manually raising her up further and also removing the stool.
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