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Posts posted by ken_ford1

  1. <p>Great info, thanks all! </p>

    <p>It sounds like it might be best to get a 35 for now and also keep an eye out for a reasonable 40; I can then compare them, keep the one I prefer and possibly sell the other.</p>

    <p>I wasn't worried about filling this gap because my Oly gear has always been an adjunct to my Leica M stuff, but I now think I'd like to slowly develop a complete OM system that can stand on its own merit.</p>

    <p>Again, thanks!</p>

  2. <p>I've been using my little OM kit again (OM1n, OM2n, 24/2.8, 135/3.5 and a 50/1.8 body cap).</p>

    <p>I'm no fan of 50s, and would like to get either a 35 or a 40 for a normal. I had a 35/2 many years ago, but remember nothing about it.</p>

    <p>Which would give me better wide open performance?</p>


  3. <p>Philip, I find my OM1n and/or OM2n make a great combination with my usual M6 kit.<br /><br />I frequently carry an OM2n with a 24/2.8 mounted, and often keep a 135/3.5 in the bag too. It complements my usual M6/35/75 kit nicely and makes for a pleasant two body - four lens kit.<br /><br />I've tried to learn to love a 28 on my .72 M6, but I think an SLR does wides and teles better than the RF.</p>
  4. <p>Andrew, I'm really liking my new Bare Bones Bag for the same application as yours. The size is just right for an everyday carry. It has that same ability to mold to your hip as did traditional Leica bags, but it's smaller. They're made by Courierware for Stephen Schaub.<br>

    Mine is loaded with a Rapidwinder-equipped M6 with mounted 35 Cron ASPH and hood, a 90 Elmar-C, my Digiflash, five or six rolls of film, cleaning supplies and a book - and I haven't even started to fill the outside pockets. Plus, there's still easy room inside the bag for another lens.<br>

    This bag is worth considering!<br>

    <a href="http://figitalrevolution.com/bare-bones-bag-camera-bag-leica-lomo-lca-zeiss-rangefinder/">http://figitalrevolution.com/bare-bones-bag-camera-bag-leica-lomo-lca-zeiss-rangefinder/</a></p>

  5. <p>Francisco, ouch.<br /><br />I taped my Nikons for years, but only the trademarks.  It started in the late 70s when I was on staff for a local paper.  People would regularly stick their head in front of me while I was shooting HS sports to see what kind of camera I was using.  A staffer from one of the dailies showed me the tape trick which greatly decreased the number of lookyloos.<br /><br />I have a small 1/4" x 3/4" piece of plastic electrical tape over the big white "M6".  And I had Don install a black dot at my last CLA because, well - I like it.  That's all.<br>

    <br />Is that a crime? </p>

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