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Image Comments posted by sergei_pechersky


    This is a beautiful photo. I like how shapes of the hills contrast with the straight lines of the sky. The colors are soft and create calm mood. I think you have captured a rare moment here. Well done, Peter.

    Golden Fall


    Hi All. This photo was my another try in studying how to shoot water.

    Hope you don't mind looking at it and tell me what may be right or

    wrong with it. Is there anythig I need to consider to improve its

    composition, colour balance, etc.? One of the feedback I received was

    too much water shown in the pool. What do you think? I appreciate

    your input. Thanks.

    Cobble 2

    You've done a good job for a rookie, Gabor. I like the simplicity of the photo. At the same time, I am not sure whether I want to add an element that would make the subject even more interesting and mysterious. Anyway, it's good as it is.


    I think it doesn't really matter whether one applies a bit of PS or not to its images. If the image strikes people, then it deserves to be rewarded. It's all about fine art, folks. Your photo is great, George. You've done a good job both as a photographer and as an artist. Congrats.


    You've captured it right. I like it very much. The only thing I'd do with this image is to completely remove the shadow on the right hand in PS and to add a frame. Otherwise, it's a very well designed shot. Congrats.

    Lavender in Oregon

    The pattern of the flowers is magnificient. Strong shapes and repetiion of curves look like plants were planted that way, were they not? Anyhow, tight cropping works just fine.

    A fern


    This is my first time I am submitiing a photo for critique and I'd

    like to have your fair opinion on the subject I've chosen for the

    photo. I thought it was quite interesting and pleasant composition to

    share. What striked me when I was taking this picture was color

    contrast of the fern and the waterfall stone which golden hue was due

    clay's color. I appreciate your input and thoughts.


    Beautiful colors and shape of water lines. I don't think it's a good idea to have square frame though.
  1. Looks like I'm a bit late here, but I must admit that I also love this photo. This is a very good example of how regular things could be subjects of study. The shot has everything it needs to expose a good composition - texture, light, shape, lines... you name it. Well done, Zhenya.
  2. This is definitely not what you'd call "Just another sunset". You've got it well composed and executed. I like the hues and size of the sun. My only curiosity is how it was done with 28mm?
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