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Everything posted by elmarkidaz

  1. Oh ok, I didn't noticed that, it only appears there on the jpg, on the complete .tiff on GIMP it doesn't appear
  2. Ok, I will search if there is a software that can do a good job on that, thank you
  3. Thank you, I will inquire about this "Dark frame subtraction" and what I can do about that. Is that someting to set on the camera or a post-production tecnique?
  4. I noticed that on different monitors and smartphones, it looks too dark
  5. Hello @conrad_hoffman and [uSER=2403817]@rodeo_joe|1[/uSER] , I found that the best option for me was to start with Nikon Caprure NX-D and already start just a little bit of noise reduction there with the correct camera settings, then save the Tiff 16bit file, then edit it in GIMP. I got a somewhat decent picture, there is still plenty of noise that i can't get rid of, but I think that I still have everithing to learn from shooting correctly at night to the variety of things that I can possibly do during editing. Would appreciate if you have other suggestions. I attach the (probably) final picture, thank you.
  6. Thank you [uSER=2403817]@rodeo_joe|1[/uSER] for the explanation! I will also try this method in the weekend Thanks, i will let you know
  7. Thank you, I will install it in the weekend when I get back to the windows pc, because it's not available for Debian. I will let you know
  8. @conrad_hoffman Hello, thanks. I tried with the dynamic range on RawTherapee but it still have a lot of noise. I noticed that here the two pictures seems similar and not bad, but on RawTherapee it's basically a totally red picture, i even tried on two different pc with totally different specs... I have a Nikon D5600. Can I post the raw picture there on the forum? Or else how can i attach it? [uSER=2403817]@rodeo_joe|1[/uSER] Thanks, I used Windows Image Viewer only to know wich picture to edit :) Thanks for the explanation about the raw format and the different processes. But now, how can I get a picture that actually looks good as the jpeg one or even better? Do you know any good guide for noise reduction in post-production of night photography? @mikemorrell thank for the answer
  9. Hello, I'm new to this community and software photo editing. Those were my first Milky Way pictures from a year ago and now I tried to edit them. For editing at the moment I'm using GIIMP + RawTherapee. I know that raw pictures can look a bit bad sometimes and not like on the camera preview or the jpg, but those looks like two completely different pictures.The raw on RawTherapee is really bad, all noise, strage colors and a circle effect. . The preview on camera and the Windows photo ones looks similar and pretty good to me. The first is the RAW, the second is the Windows Photo viewer(both are low quality screenshots especially the second). Do you know how I can edit it correctly to look like the preview one? Because it looked like a good starting point to edit. Thank you. (edit) Here watching in little and low quality, the raw seems not that bad.. ,
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