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  1. heatherreilly


    This building is on a lot adjoining a church yard. I was drawn to the old style architecture, and the windows which look false.
  2. The bay in St. Jonh's from upon Signal Hill. Typical weather in Newfoundland, four seasons in one day.
  3. I am also having this issue. It is turning the majority of my "portrait" oriented photos 90 degrees to the left (counter clockwise) to make it appear "landscape" oriented. It is not doing this consistently, and I can't seem to change it once it's uploaded. All photos are oriented correctly on my hard drive prior to uploading, so it's not a matter of it appearing the way it does on my hard drive. I should also add that all of my "landscape" oriented photographs are consistently uploading correctly- none of those have been rotated during upload. Please help!
  4. heatherreilly

    Rescue at Sea

    These bottles were rescued from the sea to show the local children what happened to trash that was thrown into our oceans.
  5. Just before sunset over Dildo Cove, Newfoundland.
  6. heatherreilly

    Wigwam Gulch No 2

    This is another viewpoint of the tree atop the rock that gives Wigwam Gulch it's name. Supposed to be oriented 90 degrees clockwise.
  7. heatherreilly

    Not a Well

    This is a staged well as part of a group of recreated heritage artifacts.
  8. heatherreilly

    Purple Pitcher Plant

    This purple pitcher plant is the provincial flower of Newfoundland.
  9. Etched in stone.
  10. heatherreilly

    Trust Games

    Throwback to a game we've all played. Supposed to be oriented 90 degrees clockwise.
  11. heatherreilly

    Duck on the Go

    Games at Lester's Farm Pumpkin Fest. Playing with perspective. Supposed to be oriented 90 degrees clockwise.
  12. heatherreilly

    Fishing for Seagulls

    Taken while some people were feeding the seagulls at a local tourist location in Newfoundland.
  13. This photo is supposed to be oriented 90 degrees clockwise. A curious butterfly at the Insectarium. I sadly wonder what happened to its wings.
  14. One of the Three Sisters in Bay Roberts, Newfoundland.
  15. heatherreilly

    Looking Up

    Should be oriented 90 degrees clockwise. A skyward glance from La Manche.
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