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  1. garethdavies

    © gareth.davies@orange.fr

  2. Well thank you chulster! Good that my post has been noted.
  3. Hello These threads are indeed very old but they have been very useful to me. I just want to add a little bit of extra information from my own experience. The reason I am tagging on to an old thread is that this fix appears as one of the first things on google when you ty to search for what is wrong with this old lens. Now for my own experience - which may or may not be helpful to others. This is a great lens but now too old to get repaired (even if there were Nikon parts available and I can't find any). I found the same problem with the broken tiny post for the T clip and glued everything back. The clutch began to work again, but only intermittently. I then followed other people's advice about putting a bit of foam on top of the clip, taping it down, to make sure it stays in place. This worked better but every few days of not using the lens, it started slipping again. I concluded that probably the glue I had used was too thick and that the clip was not quite seated flush with the base of the indent. I then recalled that there is another place for the clip to be placed further round the barrel (almost like a pre designed spare slot) and so I thought i would start from scratch, here. I prised the clip from its old seating, cleaned off all the glue, and fitted it onto the new tiny posts in the replacement slot. I decided not to use glue this time but placed some thin foam at each end of the T and in the middle of the T and secured it with tape. This time it works perfectly. In retrospect, I think placing foam over the clip itself (rather than the seated T at the end) may in fact bend the middle of the spring and make it less effective as a clutch. If it is seated exactly flat at the T end , and secured, it should do what is was intended to do. I am not sure if anyone will ever read this but I felt I owed it to the original poster to add something to the final 'fix' - from my own experience. Gareth from France
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