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Everything posted by Nylen

  1. Nylen

    Boat houses

    Thank you for taking your time to comment. All the best, Anders.
  2. Nylen


    Thank you for your kind comments.
  3. Nylen


    Boy in cold weather.
  4. Nylen


    Village Edsåsen in November morning light.
  5. Nylen

    Ski trail

    Follow the red crosses and everything will be fine.
  6. Nylen


    Aven (Geum rivale), a common flower in Sweden.
  7. Nylen

    Lake Hen

    It was a calm evening. The lake was lika a mirror.
  8. Nylen


    Reindeer on Mount Håll.
  9. Nylen


    The photo was taken just after sunset.
  10. Nylen

    River Hen

    River Hen in moon light.
  11. Nylen

    Väla Hill

    Väla Hill surrounded by mist.
  12. Nylen

    November morning

    The first sun rays of the day hit Dalens Inn.
  13. Nylen

    Gymnadenia nigra (Brunkulla)

    Brunkulla, a rare orchid, is the provincial flower of Jämtland, a Swedish province.
  14. Nylen

    Fragrant orchid

    Fragrant orchid found on a bog.
  15. Nylen

    Snow fence

    A snow fence on Mount Välliste in Undersåker, Jämtland, Sweden.
  16. Nylen

    Red house at night

    This is an old farm house in Edsåsdalen, Sweden. The photo was taken using tripod and long exposure.
  17. Nylen

    Old house

    The photo was taken just after a thunder storm had passed. The sky is dark and the light special.
  18. Nylen


    A large stone in the Gulf of Bothnia. Long exposure. Högbonden, Ångermanland, Sweden.
  19. Nylen

    Spotted orchid

    Spotted orchid on a moor in Edsåsdalen, Jämtland, Sweden.
  20. Nylen

    Timber cabin

    Long exposure. Edsåsdalen, Jämtland, Sweden.
  21. Nylen

    Boat houses

    Boat houses just before sunset. Edsåsdalen, Jämtland, Sweden.
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