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Everything posted by cameragary

  1. Bronica S2A w/75mm 2.8 and kodak ektar 100 film
  2. morning sun 1976 kodachrome 64 Canon F1 with 50mm (borrowed)
  3. canon A1 w/50mm 3.5 macro fd ssc kodak 200 gold
  4. cameragary


    about 4 ft below the surface
  5. 96 today and imagine a short time ago
  6. at the water misting cooling station
  7. not so much what i am using this weekend.but my latest finds locally.the Canon AE1 was a garage sale find w/50mm 1.8 ssc lens and a case.the X700 Minolta was a throw in as it did not wind.i always keep a selection of batteries in my pocket and when i showed the owner it did not work he gave the camera ,3 lenses , a bag ,the minolta winder for it ,and a remote shutter ,and about 10 rolls of film ( expired )for 20.00 bucks. the AE1 cost me 20.00 the Sunpak 611 Auto was an E-bay find for 9.00 bucks complete woith al the cables ,charger and battery pack that still charges and after testing still changes power output as described.will be cleaning the camera's and working on the minolta.meter still works and does not die out when you press the shutter all the way so i am thinking a dirty magnet.we'll see.
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