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Everything posted by aaronmbrooks

  1. Ed, mainly i want a laptop for on the go editing. I would like to be able to edit outside the confines of my house, when im on vacation or away from home and need to get work done.
  2. Bill, I really appreciate your input. That is really helpful. I do not have a studio or anything so all of my shots are taken at different locations most being outdoors.
  3. Conrad, do you shoot in sRGB or Adobe and convert to standard after edit then?
  4. Looking for ideas on a good laptop for photo editing that doesn't break the bank. Something that is pretty fast with good display color.
  5. I am interested in getting into the photography business at some point, however for now I just shoot for fun and for practice and occasionally do free shoots for family and friends. This may be considered a beginner question but I am just trying to increase my knowledge and get better, so everyone please take it easy on me. From a standpoint of giving digital copies to clients, what color space is generally used for the photos your clients get? I have read about the different color spaces quite a bit and it has created some confusion for me about what color space I should be using. My dilemma is, I know sRGB is best for photos that will be put online and feel like most digital copies will be used for posting to facebook, instagram, etc, however if I want a client to also have the ability to print high quality prints it is best to use Adobe RGB. Adobe will turn dull if posted to Facebook as the page will compress the colors to sRGB and I also dont want disappointment due to the quality of image posted (plus it doesnt make you as a photographer look good when dull images are posted online). Should I create sRGB images for posting and also provide Adobe RGB files for printing to clients? Also, I shoot in RAW, and use Luminar and/or lightroom for editing. My camera is currently set to Adobe RGB color space. What is the practical settings for your camera for color space? Should I just shoot in sRGB, export in sRGB and not worry about the Adobe color space for printing? Again this may be considered a dumb question but I am only here to learn and get better so that one day maybe I can develop into a skilled photographer.
  6. aaronmbrooks

    1st Christmas

    My daughter, Kaidynce. 1st Christmas.
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