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digital singularity

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Image Comments posted by digital singularity

    Bondage 1

    Hmmm... I like this photo. I do have a comment about this being an act of overpowering, force, violence. That's not really the vibe I pick up from the series. These pictures don't really give me the tone of someone that was forced into the position... it feels like she voluntarily submitted to being tied up (I know she wasn't forced in real life), but I don't get the impression of violence or a strong overpowering force... I simply get the impression of submission, sexuality. These feel warm, not cold, depressing, degrading.

    Winter magic

    wow, this is a really interesting, eerie shot. Before I read about the CCD, I assumed that maybe this was a shot with a gradient neutral density filter. I dunno, I guess some of the coolest shots come from situations where you wouldn't exactly expect them. Great silhouettes.

    Cat Look

    Well, I'd have to agree with you. the cat's nose is overexposed... I can't really make out any detail in the white areas at all. My advice would be to try setting your exposure compensation to -1/2 or -1 and see what kind of a result you get. I imagine you'll be pleased with the results. I really like the depth of field you have chosen for this picture.
  1. How can someone think that something like this is inappropriate? Isn't photojournalism about showing the horror (in this case) of an event to the world? Haven't people won awards for some very tragic and sad photographs? Yes, it was a terrible event, but instead of shelving pictures like this from the public eye, people need to remember. Years from now, school children will look upon pictures like these and realize what terrible event happened on September 11th.
  2. Well, just some general comments. When I shoot bands, I personally don't use a flash. I prefer to use high speed film along with an aperature somewhere around f1.8. Why don't I use a flash? There is stuff in the foreground in this picture that is pretty overexposed. The way the flash lights up the guitarist's skin doesn't look very natural either. I think the light happens to be too direct, too harsh. Something else to keep in mind is that a flash might be temporarily distracting to those in the band. Can you imagine being up on stage, then being hit with this blinding pulse of light? I think it'd take getting used to.


    Beyond that, I don't really see any problems with the actual composition of the photo itself. The only complaint I'd have is the un-lit spotlight that is protruding from his head. Keep shooting and experimenting and see what you come up with.

  3. Personally, I would have liked to see the picture taken with the exposure done for the lights, then bracketed about one stop over and under to see what the effect was. I just don't really care for the bright, glaring window lights in this one. I thought the building could have been sharper too. Good luck.

    God beams

    Well, I don't think a polarizer would do it. Here's a thought. Try exposing the image for the dark part of the clouds. You'd get more contrast on that, as well as the mountain, but then the sky would be really overexposed. That could always be fixed in the print though by dodging that part of the print, right?

    Bird Crazy

    I do love the originality of this photo. Narrow the depth of field next time so the bird and the camera are sharply in focus, and everything else is blurred. One thing I would have liked to see is this taken from another angle, lower perhaps and with you a closer to the subject. Great idea though.


    Wow, this is really nice. I cannot think of anything I'd change about this one. I love the way this picture looks. It looks like you captured some dust in the scan though, you should clean up the source and rescan it.
  4. Ok, it's not really a forgotten war, but that's what a friend said

    about some of these pictures. To him, this seemed like a place left

    over from a war a long time ago. This was actually part of what

    appeared to be an old water storage system on the side of a

    mountain. I'd appreciate any critiques on this. Please keep in mind

    that the vignetting in the right corners is something I already know

    that I'll have to fix by buying a new polarizer. Thanks...


    I think the lack of depth of field in this photo doesn't really do much for it. The subject matter as a whole isn't terribly interesting. I'd be curious to see what it'd come out like if you did something a little more abstract with it, perhaps zooming in on a particular portion. Good luck.
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