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  1. robertclemens


    A studio portrait of a lovely blue-eyed young woman wearing a denim jacket and a western style hat.
  2. Later afternoon light casts shadows of commuters as they leave their train at Naperville, Illinois in 1958.
  3. robertclemens


    A withered vine clings to the weathered boards on the side of an aged and weather-beaten barn next to a battered window.
  4. A view down the side gallery in the medieval cathedral at Sens, France.
  5. robertclemens

    Green Eyes

    A beautiful blond-haired model poses wearing a flowered hat.
  6. robertclemens


    A jogger leaves temporary footprints in the sand as he runs along the shoreline. A misty sun has just risen in the background.
  7. robertclemens

    Country Kitchen

    This still life originated as a set at the Kodak studio where I worked at the time. It was made with a 4x5 view camera on color negative film. Lighting was from electronic flash units, one of which was placed outside the "window." The photo later appeared on the cover of a Kodak professional publication.
  8. A man walks along a boardwalk past an empty gazebo. Puddles from a recent rainstorm dapple the boardwalk; surf rushes ashore against a background beach.
  9. robertclemens


    A shabbily dressed child, holding a mug, sits in the doorway of a Chicago apartment building.
  10. robertclemens

    Country Kitchen

    Illiumiated by window light, an assortment of produce, bread, cheese, and flowers rest on a country kitchen table.
  11. robertclemens

    Bar Harbor Morning

    Five sailboats are silhouetted by a misty early morning sun at Bar Harbor, Maine.
  12. robertclemens

    Towers of Stone

    This is the feature at Arches National Park known as "Park Avenue."
  13. A nude woman is seen through a broken widow in the façade of a rundown overgrown deserted house.
  14. robertclemens

    Sailing the Bay

    A sailboat is seen head on as it navigates in San Francisco Bay. The city skyline fills the background.
  15. robertclemens


    Beautiful woman in flowing nightgown stand in the doorway of an abandoned house.
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