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Everything posted by marklee

  1. Hi guys, I have a Canon new F-1 that has some shutter issue. The shutter can fire, but the curtain will close as soon as I release the finger. If I use a longer exposure time, say 8 seconds, I have to press 8 seconds to make it fire properly, otherwise the curtain just shuts after I release the finger. The camera works fine for short exposure, but not ok for longer exposures. all the shutter speed is correct if fired properly. Also the self timer works in a similar manner. It fires but requires pressing the button the whole time. Otherwise, the beep just stops after releasing the shutter button.I also discovered that every once in a while, the timer works fine —- may be 1/50. Seems like some contact issue? the camera looks very new. Thank you for any inputs!
  2. Thanks to the instruction, it was successfully installed. However, the metal pin (red arrow) is stopping me from installing an adapter. I wonder if I did any thing wrong during the assembly?
  3. Thank you very much for the detailed instruction, cmuseum. How about the focus during the whole operation? Should it be infinity or closest?
  4. Hi guys, I had the rear cap stuck to the lens. Then, I removed two screws on the silver ring---biggest mistake. After the screw is removed, a metal stopper fall off. So I unscrewed three screws at the rear to take off the next layer to get the stopper out. Now I ended up with a lens that I can't put together. 1) The location and the direction of the metal stopper is uncertain. 2) The relative location of the aperture ring stopper is uncertain How should I put them back? Helps are really appreciated!
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