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Posts posted by screamingjazz

  1. If I had to guess I'd say that some piece of grit or sand has gotten into the mechanism and jammed it. I've also heard that there's a ball bearing that's responsible for the click you hear when selecting an aperture setting and that it can get dislodged. I don't think I've had that happen.


    If it is dirt, you might try some compressed air in the gap between the ring and the lens. If you're desperate and not willing/able to disassemble the lens, the you could try some penetrating oil. I say this only because if it's a 50mm 1.8, they are relatively inexpensive on eBay and other places if you need to get another one.


    I've had one apart before and I don't remember the details of the innards but it's not hard to disassemble if you have the right tools. If you don't you risk scratching things you don't want to scratch.

    Thanks, I watched a video on the disassemble and I don't have the tool they recommend a spanning wrench. I got the lens from KEH so I sent them an email and I'll see what they say.

  2. Hello everyone! I just bought my first film set-up, an OM-1 and a zuiko 50mm lens. I was reading through the manual and testing everything in it when I came up on aperture ring. It's currently stuck on f16 and won't budge. I've tried turning it both in the body and out of the body. Could this be user error? Or, is there a malfunction in the lens?
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