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Everything posted by zaneadami

  1. Hi again, So after happily shooting for a month after having it has completely died. The light meter, battery check doesn't work at all, shutter wont fire and advance lever wont move. A new battery does nothing, the battery coming out super hot (indicater of the issue?) Just wondering if this is something that can be and is worth it to repair? Any and all help is very much appreciated.
  2. So I've recently picked up the AE-1 and I'm not 100% if the light meter is working properly or if I'm just not understanding how the light meter works. So in M I'll pick my subject and go to set the aperture in line with what the light meter says but when I change the aperture to what the light meter says it will indicate a new aperture different from the first one. So essentially as I change the aperture the light meter changes with it. So say I said above is something wrong with the light meter or is that meant to happen and I should go off that the camera says originally before I change the aperture?
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