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Everything posted by PuntaColorada

  1. No they didn't. The performers were all members of a local dance school. The rest of us were to intimidated to join in ;-}
  2. There are no rules as to how you apply your post processing to this image; but, please let us know what you have done so we can all learn. If you would like to post a candidate image next week, please ensure it is of sufficiently high resolution for manipulation by the participants (3000px on the long side, 300dpi for example). Most of all, let's have fun while we are learning or demonstrating how we use our post-processing software, imaginations and interpretations. Flash Dance during Village Noël, Temiskaming Shores, Canada
  3. Orchid growing on a tree here in Uruguay
  4. All was done in PS. I first removed the annoying little sign. I sharpened the image using a high pass sharpen. Then I used a motion blur on the whole image and masked the stuff that seemed to survive (at least partially) the physical motion blur of the original image. The second take on this speaks to the choice we all make about out photos. Keep it or delete it? I often wonder if I made the right choice. It is so hard to tell on the camera's small screen even with zooming. The camera is the back of my D7100 shot with my Sony RX100II. On the D7100, I used manual mode to shoot with the lens cap on. Then I selected the delete photo button while in view mode. Then I put Michael's photo on the screen and used a lighten blend mode to make the Nikon text come through.
  5. This just out (taken a few hours ago)! This moth just emerged! For size reference, the bricks are about 5cm thick.
  6. A view from Faro (Lighthouse) La Paloma, Uruguay. Although not a landscape, I am adding a shot of the staircase that gets you up to see the view.
  7. Good reasoning tom_r ; but No. The gaucho and Jake Blue are a hundred Km apart.:)
  8. There are no rules as to how you apply your post processing to this image; but, please let us know what you have done so we can all learn. If you would like to post a candidate image next week, please ensure it is of sufficiently high resolution for manipulation by the participants (3000px on the long side, 300dpi for example). Most of all, let's have fun while we are learning or demonstrating how we use our post-processing software, imaginations and interpretations. Piriápolis, Uruguay, where we now have a new President-Elect (not this guy).
  9. You could time travel back to when your old software had that 'WOW' factor, or get the subscription to the new software ;). I bet there are things in both PS 2020 and Lightroom Classic that will excite you. Lightroom (non-classic) has no redeeming attributes for me and would probably lead to me having to buy more storage. I just don't have the internet bandwidth to make it even practical. Watch videos from Julieanne Kost Julieanne Kost's Blog if you are wondering about features. And, FWIW, I recommend that you don't upgrade an Apple operating system without expecting some major incompatibility with software and, worse, drivers of older hardware. I wish I never went from Sierra to High Sierra. Goodbye scanner, goodbye .....
  10. Hi Glenn: Just thought that I'd mention that Photoshop does have the dehaze filter. It is part of the Camera Raw filter (3rd from bottom). I'm not sure if you didn't use it or if you weren't aware that it was there. A lot of the image enhancement tools of Lightroom are included in that PS Camera Raw filter.
  11. One of the things I like to do with an image is go on a 'fishing expedition' to look for scenes within scenes. The images that Gerald Cafferty offered for the challenge in the past were super for this. Here's one scene within the overall image that caught my eye. You can only go so small depending on the resolution of the parent image and the magic your software can pull off.
  12. Sorry, I had an interruption and I 'timed out'. I see 5 'layers' or 'depths' in this image so, using PS, I expanded the canvas, cut each 'layer' out (pen tool, cut and paste to new layer), added bevel and emboss+ drop shadow on each, put a texture background behind them all and a black border stoke around the whole thing. Kinda gives (to me) the impression of someone doing this with a knife and putting each 'layer' up individually on a wall.
  13. I see 5 'layers' or 'depths' in this image so, using PS, I expanded the canvas, cut each 'layer' out (pen tool, cut and paste to new layer), added bevel and emboss+ drop shadow on each, put a texture background behind them all and a black border stoke around the whole thing. Kinda gives (to me) the impression of someone doing this with a knife and putting each 'layer' up individually on a wall. [ATTACH=full]1319099[/ATTACH]
  14. There are no rules as to how you apply your post processing to this image; but, please let us know what you have done so we can all learn. If you would like to post a candidate image next week, please ensure it is of sufficiently high resolution for manipulation by the participants (3000px on the long side, 300dpi for example). Most of all, let's have fun while we are learning or demonstrating how we use our post-processing software, imaginations and interpretations. Lower Okanagan Valley British Columbia
  15. The association of bats with rabies is real. Here in Uruguay about 200 head of cattle were lost a few years back because of rabies transmitted by vampire bats. The country had been declared rabies free a few years before. The bats apparently did not recognize international boundaries and came in from Brazil. On investigation, I learned that all serotypes of rabies are not the same and there is one in the bat-bovine relationship that is exhibited predominantly. I am reminded that the largest repositories of rabies in Canada where I used to live (until 2 years ago) is in fox, skunk, coyote and racoons; all species that commonly live in (human) populated areas. Racoon rabies serotype is particularly dangerous and, during an outbreak, my staff and I were immunized against it just in case (University HR directive: academic not realistic IMHO). I often wonder what my titre is now hoping to never have to rely on it.
  16. There are no rules as to how you apply your post processing to this image; but, please let us know what you have done so we can all learn. If you would like to post a candidate image next week, please ensure it is of sufficiently high resolution for manipulation by the participants (3000px on the long side, 300dpi for example). Most of all, let's have fun while we are learning or demonstrating how we use our post-processing software, imaginations and interpretations. Looking across Lake Temiskaming at Haileybury Ontario Canada. The town was burnt to the ground 97 years ago. Great Fire of 1922 - Wikipedia
  17. Had another go at it. This time to make a believable advertisement for the Fall Colours Cruise;) It is so bad, I won't waste your (or my) time describing how it was made.
  18. Thanks to all for your contributions to the Post Processing Challenge. If anyone else wants to post a challenge, please feel free to do so. There is a bit of a story behind this photo, which I took at the small town of La Baie on the Saguenay Fjord. La Baie is now amalgamated with Chicoutimi and Jonquiere into the city of Saguenay in case you are trying to find it on a map. The fjord is known for Beluga and Minke whales and Humpbacks are often seen at the mouth of the Fjord on the St. Lawrence. Anyway, 2 cruise ships arrived at this village while on a fall colours tour that originated in New York City. The other ship was moored at the dock and cannot be seen in this photo. You can see the shuttle to the left of the ship and the open plank near the water's edge on the right from which people were transported from this ship to the town. That year (2011), the fall colours were late to arrive, particularly the reds of the abundant maples in the region (which is known for maple syrup and wild blueberries a little further north). My wife and I were walking by the docked cruise ship when some people heard us speaking english instead of french. That was our mistake because a gaggle of angry septuagenarians let us have it about how the colours weren't what was promised on the tour, etc. etc. We learned our lesson and spoke our frenglish for the rest of our time by the dock. I feel sorry for the poor folk of La Baie having been overrun by at least a thousand pissed-off New Yorkers looking for colour! Anyway, after 8 years, I will do my best to give them their colour (if they are still with us). All was done in PS. I cropped to level the horizon and then dis a bit of dehaze, texture and vibrance adjusting using the camera raw filter. I uses a gradient on the upper and lower parts of the photo to lower the exposure in those areas. Next I selected the 'forest' and copied it to a new layer. On that layer only through a clipping mask I did a hue/saturation adjustment to make the yellow trees more orange/red. I then painted out a few of the red trees on the mask to bring them back to yellow. I did a black border stroke and that's all folks.
  19. There are no rules as to how you apply your post processing to this image; but, please let us know what you have done so we can all learn. If you would like to post a candidate image next week, please ensure it is of sufficiently high resolution for manipulation by the participants (3000px on the long side, 300dpi for example). Most of all, let's have fun while we are learning or demonstrating how we use our post-processing software, imaginations and interpretations. Saguenay Fjord, Quebec
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