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Everything posted by timfarnsworth

  1. I don't really need editing software since Epson has some already. Have figured out some of how Adobe Bridge works. The only issue I may have now is how to figure out how to get it so photo files can be edited or metataged from a remote source. Such as mom editing picture tags without software or over complicated. One idea I have it to upload x number of pictures onto flickr or similar , have them add data or info there , then re-download it onto my pc storage, then do another set after that one gets completed. I don't know how Bridge and Flickr work together. Or maybe I need to mess with Bridge more to figure some details out. What are thoughts on this way of doing it?
  2. I know a few said no one cares about these images or why would they be dropped into boxes. The images come from times were albums were the thing and times were you would hand someone a envelope of pictures to see the Vacation or event. Albums are starting to get in bad shape and images of my Aunts, Uncles etc are aging. My extended family lives in different states and have extended families of there own that continually grow. Preserving these photos in digital form is what my ultimate goal is.
  3. Thanks for the ideas on publishing and cloud storage. The Adobe plan sounds good but only problem would have is if people do not update them and I end up getting stuck with a ton of images that are on the site with no updating. Don't like that it would cost money to do so, but do understand storage isnt free, and the XMP format may end up helping and if I can get the tags to stay while updating formats I can also update locally. Good ideas I will look into it further.
  4. Sounds like a good idea, but what software or organizing software do I use for that. I can throw 10,000 thumbnails on a cloud source and name it unique but not sure how people would change or add data to it. Or are you talking like a cloud service like flickr or similar? then add tags or data ?
  5. Currently I have many boxes pictures ,newspaper clippings and photo albums . Everything from wedding photos to backyard play. This is coming from my Grandparents and parents. Brought a Epson v600 scanner online. Here is the questions I am wondering. What do I use to tag the photos with. Searchable database by date,person, event etc. Example. Some are graduation photos. What do I use to store the photos. I can number them onto a HDD or store the database onto a HDD but ideally it would work the best to do a online storage such as dropbox etc. One of the main problems I have with flickr or other similar storage options is that I would have to pay yearly for a extended family thing. And what happens when I get to the point that I cannot pay them or they shut down. Then all my images are lost. Also what database or tag source would have to be able to edit from different sources, such as aunts and uncles that know more about the picture then I do.
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