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Everything posted by lonleylight

  1. Thank you. This is a very insightful post. As I've mentioned above I suppose I was asking the question as much as anything to see if people thought I had the professional skill which you and others have helped validate for me. Honestly that is the most comforting thing and validating thing I take away from these replies. What you and others say about the business side itself... Well, I kind of knew about this struggle already. I'm likely to just keep it as a hobby. Although the people skills, that is something I've been working on for many years in general and I've grown leaps and bounds beyond where I used to be, believe it or not given the self depricatory nature of my post. Perhaps in time I will simply reach a point where I myself will know. But like I said... Thank you for answer in the positive the real question I had.
  2. Thank you for the compliment. Indeed many people have told me exactly what you just did. As in my replies above. I was kind of aware of the answer before I posted. I am slowly branching out into photographing people. Truthfully though I have little interest in where the money actually lies in the industry, weddings, sports, portraiture, events etc. For the longest time I didn't photograph people because, we'll probably due to my social anxiety. But that's bebeen changing over the years and I'm branching out into street photography little by little for my own pleasure. As mentioned perhaps in time I can at least suppliment my income here and there with the sale of a print or two or something to make enough side money to pay for the hobby itself.
  3. Thank you. Indeed I kind of knew this answer but aksed anyway lol. I will keep it a hobby. I suppose what I wish to do really isn't to make a living but to make enough pocket change on the side to fund my development of the hobby.
  4. Lol thanks for the sobering reminder. In truth I knew these answers when I posted my question. I suppose I was simply in something of a mood when I posted. I will continue this as a hobby however. Herhaps I can make enough money on the side from selling the occasional print here and there locally at cafes and the like or online to find some equipment purchases. When you mentioned the single portrait in my portfolio I'm assuming you mean the fact that aside from it I have no shots of people? That the insutrt, where the money is be made, is in photographing people? Or were you referring to the photography itself? The idea of grwating a YT personality cult sounds rediculous and ego filled to the extreme lol. An ego being something I very much almost totally lack... Which honestly is probably another red flag because photography as a business is about selling yourself and your work, which is a lot about ego boosting. I have no designs or interest in the soul sucking world of wedding and portraiture photography, which I am aware is where the money lies. Basically I guess I'm saying I'm aware that professionally this is not an industry for me. Which is too bad but it is what it is. Thank you for the initial compliment regarding the images in my portfolio. That is what ultimately mater's to me. Nothing else.
  5. So I've been am amateur photographer for quite a few years now off and on. It's become a very important passion for me as the years have slipped by. I will admit to not being the most skilled of technical photographers but I like to think I have a pretty good eye for what I like. I've found the hobby amazingly rewarding and meditative. It's helped me through some dark times in my life, I have struggled life long with depression and other issues. I find myself now at a bit of a crossroads in life. I've made a lot of progress against some of my personal demons and I now want to focus on what I want to do with my life with a bit more zeal. I've worked retail the past 10+ years and now manage a store. None of this is bad and I'm good at my job and enjoy the people I work with. But I'm also burned out and need to find something that fuels me with passion. Photography is one such thing. I am a lonely person, have been most of my life and there is something uniquely fitting about this hobby that speaks to something within me. However the other road that I am looking at perusing is academia, to return to school to get a degree in the sciences, likely physics or math. I can of course always keep this as a hobby, and will! I also realize that asking people on an online forum should not be how anyone gauges what they want to do with their life. Believe me I am not going to make my decision based on anyone's opinions here. But I don't get many chances to show my work to people other than my friends and the occasional person who stumbles across it online. I know most people here are amateurs as well, but I'm curious to know what people think of the work I've done. Do you feel I have a good enough eye for the work to possibly find professional work? My portfolio of just my favourite shots is here: Favourites And my slightly broader portfolio here: The Lonely Light
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